2008年8月6日 星期三

drawing board, put your foot in your mouth, no-brainer

重看「最新通俗美語詞典」 兼悼高克毅先生 莊信正  (20080807)

「back to the drawing board(回到繪圖板去)」條未忘引述多年前「紐約客」著名漫畫家阿諾(Peter Arno)所畫一架新飛機剛剛試飛失敗,大家都奔向機身殘骸急著搶救,而設計師卻當做日常公事,看了一下便轉過身,面帶微笑地說﹕「Well,it’s back to the old drawing board (唉,只好回到那勞什子繪圖板去罷)」。(原圖無“it’s”。)諸如此類的細節在在顯示這不單單是本詞書,也是一本可以隨時翻閱的床頭書。

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drawing board noun [C]
a large flat table, often with a top that can be moved into different positions, which is used as a desk for drawing or designing something

「put (his)foot in(his)mouth(把腳放到嘴巴裡)」條追憶老布希當年依靠家裡有錢有勢而在政壇步步高升,可是頭腦簡單,說起話來錯字不斷。1991年大選期間 德克薩斯州長李查茲(Ann Richards)在民主黨全國代表大會發表的主題演說形容他開口就「put his silver foot in his mouth(把他的「銀腳」放在他的嘴巴裡)。」「詞典」解釋這是將“put his foot in his mouth”同「born with a silver spoon in his mouth(生下來有一隻銀匙在嘴巴裡)」兩句俗話巧妙地合成一句,挖苦他有財無才。

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put your foot in it (MAINLY US put your foot in your mouth) INFORMAL
to say something by accident which embarrasses or upsets someone:
I really put my foot in it with Alison. I had no idea she was divorced.

很多人認為小布希笨得像brain dead,腦死。這位當選連任的總統出口成「障」,謬語如豬;近幾年已經有人替他結集出了幾冊語錄,即所謂“Bushism”。

當前人人嘴巴上的「no brainer(不用傷腦筋的)」

no-brainer Show phonetics
noun [S] SLANG
something that is very simple to do or to understand:
That last test question was a complete no-brainer.
