2023年10月12日 星期四

sick, sickened by the actions, sickness, karst, pull a sicky, round on, a PR crisis


Hundreds Speak Out: ‘We as Students Are Sickened by the Actions of Hamas’

Tens of millions on lockdown in China because of a viral outbreak

The authorities imposed strict travel restrictions on five cities, including Wuhan, the epicenter of a deadly respiratory virus that has already spread to Japan, South Korea, Thailand, Taiwan and the U.S. Here are the latest updates.
Experts said the size of the lockdown, which affects roughly 20 million people, was unprecedented. A patient also died in the province of Hebei, 600 miles north of Wuhan, in the first confirmed death outside the epicenter.
The World Health Organization decided not to declare a global health emergency — yet. Several members thought it was “still too early,” the W.H.O. said in a statement.
The details: The virus has killed at least 18 and sickened more than 600. Here are maps of its spread. The victims are so far mostly older men, many of whom had previous health issues.

Rounding on the media is a natural reflex in these circumstances - and it’s almost always the wrong one.
What do you do in the corporate nightmare scenario? You are BP and…

From Instagram: Recent rains and thaw of snow have combined to cause several periodic karst springs in the Bukk Mountains, near Felsotarkany, Hungary, February 24th 2016

The boss found out when he became eligible for a long-service award.

Urban Dictionary: Pull a sicky


Top DefinitionPull a sicky. Used in the UK. Calling into work to get the day off for being supposedly ill. Woman: "Can't you get the day off work and stay in bed ...


round on

Make a sudden verbal attack on:she rounded on me angrily

喀斯特地形英語:karst topography),又稱溶蝕地形石灰岩地形,是具有溶蝕力的水對可溶性岩石進行溶蝕等作用所形成的地表和地下形態的總稱。又稱岩溶地貌。水對可溶性岩石所進行的作用,統稱為喀斯特作用。一般指酸鹽岩分布地區或存在流經石灰岩的地下水所特有的地貌現象。當雨水或者地下水與地面碳酸鹽類岩石接觸時,就會有少量碳酸鹽溶於水中。經過長時期的溶解侵蝕,形成了以地表岩層千溝萬壑為標誌的地表特徵。在喀斯特地貌下往往存在地下河、溶洞等景象。



physically or mentally ill; not well or healthy:
a sick child
a sick cow
My father has been off sick (= not working because of illness) for a long time.
Anyone who could hurt a child like that must be sick (= mentally ill).
The old woman fell/took/was taken sick (= became ill) while she was away and had to come home.
Sarah called in/reported sick (= told her employer that she was unable to go to work because of illness).
FIGURATIVE High rates of crime are considered by some people to be a sign of a sick society.
See also heartsick; homesick; lovesick.

the sick plural noun
people who are ill:
It's better for the sick to be cared for at home rather than in hospital.

verb [I]
to become ill:
LITERARY The child sickened and died.
UK "You look feverish. Are you sickening for (= about to become ill with) something?"

weak, unhealthy and often ill:
a sickly child/plant
Her face was a sickly colour when she came out of the dentist's.

"I’m absolutely ready for this. I mean, I don’t look sickly, I don’t feel sickly. And I’m as ready as any person can be for that."
ELIZABETH EDWARDS, on her husband John’s Democratic campaign for president, after they announced that she had incurable cancer.

The Sickly State of Public Hospitals
. He poses the following questions: - What are the costs and quality of public hospitals relative to their non-government peers in selected cities?

China's booming economy is helping to support global growth as America turns sickly.

noun [U]
the condition of being ill:
There's a lot of sickness around this winter.

sick (VOMIT) 
adjective [after verb]
1 feeling ill as if you are going to vomit:
Lucy felt sick the morning after the party.
If you eat any more of that cake, you'll make yourself sick.
See also airsick; carsick; seasick.

2 be sick to vomit:
She was sick after she ate too much chocolate.

a pool of sick on the floor

1 causing a slight feeling of wanting to vomit:
A sickly smell of decaying fish came from the dirty river.
The chocolate cake was sickly sweet (= too sweet).

2 emotional, in an embarrassing way:
His books are sometimes accused of sickly sentimentality.

sickness s
noun [U]
Drinking unclean water can cause diarrhoea and sickness.
