2021年11月19日 星期五

physical, under local anaesthesia, check-up. Biden deemed 'fit to successfully execute the duties of the president' after first physical in office

Biden deemed 'fit to successfully execute the duties of the president' after first physical in office

CNN International

US President Joe Biden's doctor reports he has arthritis of his spine, which could account for his stiff walk, but says Biden is overall fit to carry out his duties.
President Joe Biden will transfer power briefly to Vice-President Kamala Harris while he is under anaesthesia.

Harris to be first woman to hold US presidential reins as Biden has check-up

anesthesia 麻醉

anesthesia の定義

insensitivity to pain, especially as artificially induced by the administration of gases or the injection of drugs before surgical operations.
during anesthesia body temperature falls due to the effect of drugs

Definition of crest


  • 1a comb or tuft of feathers, fur, or skin on the head of a bird or other animal: a large game bird with a conspicuous erect red crest
  • a plume of feathers on a helmet.
  • 2the top of a mountain or hill:she reached the crest of the hill
  • Anatomy a ridge along the surface of a bone: biopsy specimens of the iliac crest were obtained under local anaesthesia
