2021年11月22日 星期一

curlicue, get something down, highly venomous Indian spectacled cobra

An Indian woman died after she was attacked by a highly venomous Indian spectacled cobra. The judge found her death was caused by the bite -- but the real killer was her husband. And it wasn't the first time he'd used a snake as a weapon.

"Get it down. Take chances. It may be bad, but it's the only way you can do anything good."
William Faulkner

Still Kicking 
LOS ANGELES There are curious curlicues in the many lives of Millard Kaufman. For example, he once ingested cobra venom -- experimentally -- and awoke to find himself playing golf in the nude. 
(By William Booth, The Washington Post) 

Such became the world of modern art, and either you are the sort of skeptic who thinks that art went to hell in a handbasket, or you see that Dada opened art up to the everyday and we are its beneficiaries. That hat rack looks awfully stylish now, and so does the mobile fashioned out of clothes hangers by Man Ray, never mind if it's still a little hard to love the silvered plumbing trap that Baroness Elsa von Freytag-Loringhoven and Morton Livingston Schamberg titled "God." (I wonder if they noticed that the curlicue of the trap spells each of those letters in lowercase?)

curlicueLine breaks: cur¦li|cue
Pronunciation: /ˈkəːlɪkjuː/

Definition of curlicue in English:


decorative curl or twist in calligraphy or in thedesign of an object:the wide bridge was decorated with gilded wrought-iron curlicues
  • I guess I've always thoughtlessly assumed they were decorative, like curlicues and friezes.
  • There are parchments of painstaking calligraphy, replete with fabulous swirls and curlicues, and magic carpets wider than the Bosphorus.
  • From one perspective, the looping appendages and curving elements suggest the handles and decorative curlicues of a Rococo urn.


Mid 19th century: from curly cue2 (in the sense 'pigtail'), or -cue representing the letter q.
get something down

Definition of get something down in English:

1Write something down.
2Swallow food or drink, especially with difficulty.
