2021年11月13日 星期六

inquest, lurid, Godiva, Gestapo, polychromy, polychrome

Taking a lurid approach to classical antiquity – the Apollo art diary pick of the week, opening soon at the Liebieghaus Skulpturensammlung: https://www.apollo-magazine.com/art-diary/gods-in-color/

The earliest delftware was a faience, a heavy, brown earthenware with opaque white glaze and polychrome decoration, made in the late 16th cent. Some of the earliest imitations of Chinese and Japanese porcelain were made at Delft in the 17th cent. Delft was important as a pottery center from the mid-17th cent. to the end of the 18th cent. By 1850 little of the industry survived. The name delft is also often applied to the wares of similar nature made in 17th-century London, Bristol, and Liverpool.

The acclaimed touring exhibition of classical polychromy returns to Frankfurt in expanded form

 ''Le Corbusier: Polychromie Architecturale'' (Birkhauser).


Gods in Color | Apollo Magazine

Artist Philip Castle’s airbrushed art features on album covers for David Bowie and Pulp but his lurid imagery for A Clockwork Orange remains his most infamous work
Philip Castle’s airbrushed art features on album covers for David Bowie and…
A Ticket, a Lie and a British Official’s Lurid Fall
LONDON — A traffic violation 10 years ago has led to the downfall of the British cabinet minister Chris Huhne and put the intimate details of his former marriage on display.

London Needs Full Inquest Into Bumi Scandal   As financial scandals go, the Libor scandal has it all—well, nearly all. It involves big global banks; lavishly-paid traders, some barely out of university; lurid emails; exotic markets; the humbling of high ranking executives; vast fines and possible criminal proceedings. All that is missing is one essential ingredient: a clearly identifiable victim.




Pronunciation: /ˈl(j)ʊərɪd/ 


1Unpleasantly bright in colour, especially so as to create a harsh or unnatural effect:lurid food colouringsa pair of lurid shorts
1.1Presented in vividly shocking or sensational terms:the more lurid details of the massacre were too frightening for the children


lu • rid
ərid | ljúər-
1 〈空・雷雲などが〉(…で)赤く輝く[光る]((with ...));燃えるように赤い.
2 〈色などが〉どぎつい, 毒々しい
books with lurid covers
3 〈話・犯罪などが〉気味の悪い, 恐ろしい;いやな;まったくひどい;激烈[強烈]な;放らつな
lurid crime
castthrow] a lurid light on ...
4 〈顔色などが〉蒼白(そうはく)[土色, 鉛色]の;くすんだ黄系統の色をした.


in • quest
inquests (複数形)
1 (特に陪審の前での)査問, 審問;死因審問;検死
conductholdan inquest (into ...)
2 査問(委員)会;(特に)検死陪審(coroner's jury);検死陪審の判定[評決].
3 ((略式))(計画失敗などの)原因の究明;調査.

GodivaGender: Feminine
Usage: English
Pronounced: gah-DIE-va

Means "gift of god" from Old English god combined with gyfu "gift".

(Godgifu) (d. between 1057 and 1086). Wife of Earl Leofric of Mercia. To obtain her request that Coventry be relieved of a heavy toll, she is alleged to have ridden naked through the market. The legend obscures her reputation as benefactress of religious establishments. She and Leofric were buried in their Coventry church. Roger of Wendover in the 13th cent. first related her ride; 18th-cent. writers embellished it with picturesque detail like ‘Peeping Tom’.

[gədáivə] [名](“Lady Godiva”), ゴダイバ(?-1057):英国のLeofric伯の妻. ▼白昼Coventryの町を裸で白馬を乗り回し, 夫が住民に課していた重税を廃止させた.



Ge·sta·po (gə-stä'pō, -shtä'-) pronunciation
  1. The German internal security police as organized under the Nazi regime, known for its terrorist methods directed against those suspected of treason or questionable loyalty.一譯蓋世太保
  2. gestapo pl., -pos. A police organization that employs terroristic methods to control a populace.
  1. Of, relating to, or characteristic of the German security police organized under the Nazi regime.
  2. gestapo Of, relating to, or characteristic of terroristic police methods or operations: gestapo tactics.
[German Ge(heime) Sta(ats)po(lizei), secret state police : geheim, secret + Staat, state + Polizei, police.]
