2021年11月7日 星期日

Baptism, baptismal name, baptism by fire or baptism of fire, "Return of the Baptism",

Pablo Picasso
"Return of the Baptism", c. 1917

Baptism, conditional :條件洗禮:當懷疑洗禮的有效性時(在不知是否已接受或能否接受洗禮的情況下),為慎重起見所舉行之有條件的(第二次)洗禮。

Baptism, Sacrament of :聖洗聖事;洗禮;浸(水)禮:人經由洗禮,罪過獲得赦免、重生為天主的子女、進而藉神印結合於基督而加入教會。聖洗聖事乃其他聖事之門(法典 849 ),拉丁文稱作 baptismus 

Baptism of blood :血的洗禮:指尚未受洗的人,為愛主而殉道者,亦即因堅守信仰而遭殺害者(參閱瑪十 39 ),視同「以血代水」接受了洗禮。

Baptism of desire :願洗:人若有意奉行天主的旨意,也有悔罪領洗的意願,如果不幸未克領洗而逝世者,即視同領了洗,稱之為願洗;而那些良心正直,願意遵守上天規定之倫理規範的人,雖未聞福音,死後亦能得救。

baptismal certificate :領洗證:已接受洗禮的證件。通常於教堂舉行婚禮或堅振時需要,尤其於領受聖秩聖事前更需此證,因為關係到聖秩聖事的有效性。

baptismal font :領洗池;聖洗池:通常位於教堂入口處。

baptismal name :領洗聖名;洗名;教名;聖名:受洗者所選帶有神聖意味的聖名 Christian name ,一般多選用聖人的名字。

baptismal promise :聖洗承諾:在領受洗禮前,對天主所作的承諾;又稱聖洗誓願 baptismal vow 

baptismal vow :聖洗誓願:在領受洗禮前,對天主所作的誓願;又稱聖洗承諾 baptismal promise 

baptismal water :聖洗聖水:領洗時所用的聖水。通常於復活前夕守夜禮中特別祝聖。但于緊急時,任何清水均可用以施洗。

baptistery :施洗所;付洗所:通常位於教堂內或教堂附近。

Baptists :浸禮會;浸信會;浸禮派:十七世紀威廉斯( Roger Williams )創立於美國,主張人受洗必須浸在水中方為有效,且反對嬰兒受洗。又稱 Baptist Church 。屬基督新教的一支。

baptize :付洗;授洗;施洗;領洗。


Reviewed by JACOB HEILBRUNN Mark K. Updegrove examines the record of eight presidents who took office in perilous times.

The phrase baptism by fire or baptism of fire, known in English since 1822, is a translation of the French phrase baptême du feu and is a reference to a soldier's first experience under fire in battle. It originates from the ecclesiastical Greek baptisma pyros, in which "fire" is used to mean "the grace of the Holy Spirit as imparted through baptism". Later it was used of martyrdom, especially by fire (e.g. Joan of Arc). Today, it has entered the common vernacular to describe anyone doing something "the hard way" for the first time, particularly if training is necessarily insufficient to fully prepare one for the experience (as is the case with battle).
