2021年1月10日 星期日

ribosome, forced abortions, IUDs, and sterilisations

As a young scientist Ada Yonath took on a challenge that others considered hopeless - mapping the structure of the ribosome - and persevered until she succeeded. Her work has led to new antibiotics and a better understanding of antibiotic resistance.



a minute particle consisting of RNA and associated proteins found in large numbers in the cytoplasm of living cells. They bind messenger RNA and transfer RNA to synthesize polypeptides and proteins.

www.hininno-susume.jp › home › contraception › iud

IUD(子宮内避妊用具)とはIntrauterine deviceの略で、避妊の目的で子宮内に装着する小さな器具のことです。IUDは一度装着すれば、数年にわたり避妊が可能なので、出産経験があり、長期の避妊を望む女性に適しています。IUDには銅が付加 ...
