2021年1月9日 星期六

egotist, self-seeking, interests, self-interest, self-harm, self-destruction, sunseeker, CPI, wholesale, superrich, mobility水着

Rather, their motives are a mix of self-interest, cynicism and pessimism

European leaders are not naive about their latest deal with China
Politically, China sees its deal with Europe as an early victory o

Brown: 'Halting WHO funding is act of self-harm by US'

US President Donald Trump must be persuaded to back the World Health Organisation (WHO) by his colleagues in the G20, the former UK prime minister Gordon Brown has said.
He told Hardtalk's Stephen Sackur that the president's decision to withdraw funding from the organisation was an act of self-harm by the US.
Mr Brown said: "To deal with this locally in any country, we have got to act globally. If the World Health Organisation did not exist, it would have to be created.
“It is our duty to try to persuade the Americans that this solidarity is actually in the self-interest."

  Pope Francis warns of 'catastrophic' consequences if special interests derail the Paris climate talks next week.

(Photo by Reuters)
The head of the Roman Catholic Church has called on governments to use…

 Manning an Egotist, Prosecutors Say at Close of Leaks Trial

The prosecution has argued that Pfc. Bradley Manning is a traitor for giving information to WikiLeaks , but his lawyers say he is a principled protester who wanted to help society.


台湾」に関する 1 件の新しい検索結果
豪水着ブランド「Sunseeker Australia」が台湾進出
... に政府が規制案、男女平等の待ち時間 · 豪水着ブランド「Sunseeker Australia」が台湾進出. 【2月24日 AFP】台湾で1号店をオープンさせたオーストラリアの水着ブランド「Sunseeker Australia」は21日、台北(Taipei)で記者会見を開き、モデルたちが水着を披露した。(c)AFP ...
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  School Lunch Proposals Set Off a Dispute

A proposal to cut back on potatoes and sodium in the federal school lunch program is being met by fierce resistance from agricultural and food service interests. 
The Self-Destruction of the 1 Percent
America’s superrich are eliminating the social mobility that creates wealth.

The wheels will grind on: FATF will evaluate progress (more rigorously, it says) and name and shame laggards. The European Union will shortly start work on a new anti-money-laundering directive, its fourth and toughest to date. But for the time being, self-interest has trumped efforts to clean up company law.

Metropolitan Police Commander Ali Dizaei has been sentenced to four years for assaulting and falsely arresting a man in a dispute over £600.
Southwark Crown Court was told Waad Al-Baghdadi was arrested by Dizaei in a row over work on the officer's website.
Dizaei, 47, was convicted of both misconduct in a public office and perverting the course of justice.

Prosecutor Peter Wright QC said he was guilty of a "wholesale abuse of power" motivated by self-interest and pride.

Producer Price Index
 (PPI) 生產者物價指數
「生產者物價指數」是用來衡量生產者在生產過程中,所需採購品的物價狀況;因而這項指數包括了原料,半成品和最終產品等(美國約採3000種東西)三個生產階段的物價資訊。(過去或稱躉售物價指數wholesale price index WPI)它是消費者物價指數(CPI:以消費者的立場衡量財貨及勞務的價格)之先聲。
)增速的局面並沒有導致利潤收縮。如果我們以淨利潤總額對銷售額的比率來表示中國企業的平均利潤率﹐那麼可以看到﹐2003年以來中國企業的利潤率開始上升。而近年來雖然原材料成本大增﹐但利潤率仍處於週期高位。從經驗性研究來看﹐企業利潤率和PPI-CPI增速差額之間存在明顯的正相關關係﹐這與許多人認為的情況恰恰相反﹐而且下游產業同樣存在這種正相關關係。如果說企業利潤率和PPI-CPI增速差額之間確實存在著經驗性因果關係﹐那麼從數據來看﹐事實是PPI增速的加快往往意味著利潤增速的上升。" (梁紅)

Fleet Street (London) was for centuries the home of the newspaper industry and the name is still used to describe the national press. It ran from the Fleet river, a noisome ditch, to the Strand—strategically between the city and the court. In the 1980s there was a wholesale exodus of newspapers to less-congested sites elsewhere.
The sale of goods in large quantities, as for resale by a retailer.
  1. Of, relating to, or engaged in the sale of goods in large quantities for resale: a wholesale produce market; wholesale goods; wholesale prices.
  2. Made or accomplished extensively and indiscriminately; blanket: wholesale destruction.
  1. In large bulk or quantity.
  2. Extensively; indiscriminately.

To sell in large quantities for resale.
  1. To engage in wholesale selling.
  2. To be sold wholesale.
wholesaler whole'sal'er n.


1 利己主義, 利己心.
2 私利, 私欲.


a bathing [swimming] suit, a swimsuit; 〔男子用パンツ〕((a pair of)) swimming trunks
She appeared in abathing suit [swimsuit].
a bathing beauty

8 [U]勢力, 支配[影響]力
gain a controlling interest
establish an interest in a group
through one's [a person's] interest in the firm
