‘Unacceptable’ Food Packages for Poorer Children Prompt Outcry in U.K.
Photos of the packages, which critics called meager and overpriced, circulated widely on social media, prompting the government to reinstate vouchers for parents to buy food, themselves.
Hard sweet wisdom.
That "hard sweet wisdom" - the literary critical phrase that once seemed strong - after experience feels jejune. She describes the defenseless, disoriented look that is the face of grief, then returns to the classroom memory:
- Not interesting; dull: “and there pour forth jejune words and useless empty phrases” (Anthony Trollope).
- Lacking maturity; childish: surprised by their jejune responses to our problems.
- Lacking in nutrition: a jejune diet.
[From Latin iēiūnus, meager, dry, fasting.]
je・june ━━ a. 栄養分の欠けた; 無味乾燥な; 幼稚な.
je・june・ly ━━ ad.
je・june・ness ━━ n.