Some of the nation’s best-known brands are harnessing their logistical and technological expertises to inoculate their communities from covid-19.

Walmart, Starbucks, Amazon and other corporate giants moving to speed up coronavirus vaccine rollout
Some of the nation’s best-known brands are harnessing their lo
There won't be a Phrase A Week posting this week,
as I've succumbed to a rather nasty strain of the Common Cold. I expect to be
back in harness next week.
Gary Martin
Obama Warns Karzai to Focus on Tackling Corruption
President Hamid Karzai of Afghanistan, now assured of a new term, was urged by President Obama “to write a new chapter” in his government’s legitimacy.
A second ad in the campaign, about the eco-designers Matthew Berman and Andrew Kotchen, recounts how their firm, RightFrame, is tackling projects in places like the Lower Ninth Ward of New Orleans.
BBC NEWS | UK | Fire destroys Grand Pier
A fire has destroyed most of Weston-Super-Mare's 104-year-old Grand Pier despite firefighters tackling the blaze.Brown calls on Google to help world's poor
Talks held with multinationals to tackle 'development emergency'
Larry Elliott and Sarah Boseley
The Guardian,
Monday December 10 2007
Gordon Brown plans to harness at least 20 of the world's biggest multinational companies, including Google and Vodafone, to tackle a "development emergency" in the world's poorest countries and put the international community back on course to achieve seven UN development goals by 2015.
Hopes Dim for Air France Jet Missing Over Ocean
Air France Airbus A330 plane with 228 people onboard was feared lost
after suffering an apparent electrical failure while flying through
violent storms en route from Rio de Janeiro to Paris.
Peace Boat is a cruise ship with a difference. Every year it sails the globe visiting conflict zones in an attempt to bring about world peace.
Going on a cruise is a relaxing way to spend a vacation. Everything you need is onboard, and you only have to unpack once. Most people who take part in these holidays on the high seas travel to the well known cruise line destinations: the Caribbean, Mediterranean, or perhaps even the Inside Passage of Alaska.There are some people, however, who take a slightly different approach to cruising. They travel the world onboard a giant ocean liner, visiting the globe’s conflict regions. Their ship is named the Peace Boat, and in honor of International World Peace Day, which is the 21st of September, we take a look at the ship and its passengers.
on-board Show phonetics
describes items that are carried by a vehicle and form part of it:
In the future, cars equipped with on-board computers will be able to detect and avoid traffic jams automatically.
At that time, the War Production Board, whose job was to harness the civilian economy to the military machine, set up a department to help improve quality in the military.當時,負責為利用民間經濟到軍事機器上的「戰時生產委員會」,成立了一個幫助改進軍品品質的部門。
East River Fights Bid to Harness Its Currents for Electricity
The river’s powerful tides have been wreaking havoc on six underwater turbines designed to turn its currents into electricity.
bbc 美國又出現中國產品因質量問題被回收事件,涉及獵人用安全吊帶和自行車頭盔等產品。
Full Body Safety Harnesses Recalled by Gorilla Due to Fall Hazard
WASHINGTON, D.C. - The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, in cooperation with the firm named below, today announced a voluntary recall of the following consumer product. Consumers should stop using recalled products immediately unless otherwise instructed.Name of Product: Full Body Safety Harnesses
Units: About 60,000
Distributor: Gorilla Inc., of Flushing, Mich.
Hazard: The harnesses could fail during use, resulting in a hunter falling from the tree stand and suffering serious injuries or death.
Incidents/Injuries: None reported.
Description: This recall involves the Pullover Style Full Body Safety Harnesses model SP40300 that were included as an accessory with Gorilla 2007 ladder stands. The harnesses bear batch code numbers 020507, 030507 and 040507. The model and batch code number is printed on the label affixed to the harness.
Sold at: The harness was available as an accessory with 2007 ladder stands at Sporting goods retailers nationwide from April 2007 through October 2007 for between $80 and $300.
Manufactured in: China
Remedy: Consumers should stop using the recalled safety harness immediately and contact Gorilla for a free replacement harness.
Consumer Contact: For additional information, contact Gorilla at (877) 685-7817 between 9 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. ET Monday through Friday, or visit the company’s Web site at
harness Show phonetics
noun [C]
a piece of equipment, with straps and fastenings, used to control or hold in place a person, animal or object:
a safety harness
a baby harness
a parachute harness
verb [T]
1 to put a harness on a horse, or to connect a horse to a vehicle using a harness
2 to control something, usually in order to use its power:
There is a great deal of interest in harnessing wind and waves as new sources of power.
所謂挽具(harness),一般説來就是給馬匹或者大型犬佩戴在胸前加以約束的器具。想不到它最近成了一些日本女孩子愛用的時尚配件。當然,有時設 計上也有所改變,使挽具看起來更像「吊褲帶」或者「吊襪帶」,更容易和其他服裝搭配。今後挽具可能被越來越多人接受,成為一種基本服裝配飾也不一定。
店員正在展示用「挽具」製成的服裝配飾(LDS澀谷109店) |
據日本時尚記者日置千弓介紹,這一流行的來源是美國的時裝服裝品牌BCBG Max Azria。該品牌在2013年春夏季的時裝發佈會上推出了這一創意。
「3rd by VANQUISH」印有挽具的T恤一個半月便告售罄 |
Reins are items of horse tack, used to direct a horse or other animal used for riding or driving. Reins can be made of leather, nylon, metal, or other materials, and attach to a bridle via either its bit or its noseband.
A bit is a type of horse tack used in equestrian activities, usually made of metal or a synthetic material, and is placed in the mouth of a horse or other equid and assists a rider in communicating with the animal. It rests on the bars of the mouth in an interdental region where there are no teeth. It is held on a horse's head by means of a bridle and has reins attached for use by a rider.

tackle (DEAL WITH) Show phonetics
verb [T]
to try to deal with something or someone:
There are many ways of tackling this problem.
I tackled him about his careless work and frequent absences.