2023年8月5日 星期六

T cell, thymus gland, lymphocyte, headfirst

胸腺插圖。 事實證明,低等胸腺可能會拯救你的生命 大多數人對此知之甚少(甚至醫生認為它是可以消耗的),但研究表明它在免疫健康,特別是癌症預防中發揮著至關重要的作用。
“There isn’t a lot of room for major error here. We can’t just go headfirst down a less than optimal or even dangerous avenue. The last thing we want is for immunized people to get sick in a few months or a year — or get sicker than they would have." #BerkeleyResearch

T cell is a type of lymphocyte, which develops in the thymus gland (hence the name) and plays a central role in the immune response. T cells can be distinguished from other lymphocytes by the presence of a T-cell receptor on the cell surface.

T cell - Wikipedia

T細胞是淋巴細胞的一種,在胸腺中發展(因此得名),並在免疫反應中起著重要作用。 通過在細胞表面上存在T細胞受體,可以將T細胞與其他淋巴細胞區分開。


Birds in flight hovered for 2 to 3 s at 1 to 3 m above the water, then dived headfirst into the current, submerging the head and neck briefly.
