2020年6月28日 星期日

detente/ Détente, get under sb's skin

Biden’s Best Veep Pick Is Obvious

By Frank Bruni
She, more than anyone, can get under Trump’s skin.

Hong Kong, Taiwan and territorial disputes are sources of growing tension


A supposed detente between Japan and China is already fading

get under sb's skin

to annoy someone:
Jack really gets under my skin - he never buys anyone a drink.

extenuate (ik-STEN-yoo-ayt)

verb tr.
1. To reduce or attempt to reduce the severity of (an error, an offense, etc.) by making partial excuses for it.
2. To lessen or to make light of.

From Latin extenuare (to lessen), from ex- (out) + tenuare (to make thin), from tenuis (thin). Ultimately from the Indo-European root ten- (to stretch), which is also the source of tense, tenet, tendon, tent, tenor, tender, pretend, extend, tenure, tetanus, hypotenuse, pertinacious, and detente.

デタント(フランス語: Détente)とは、戦争の危機にある二国間の対立関係が緊張緩和することを意味する。
