2020年6月25日 星期四

Cesspit, electronic badge, raises concerns about workers’ rights and privacy. A collection of LGBTQ campaign badges made from the 1980s to now.

8 小時
🏳‍🌈 Enjoy our LGBTQ trail even while the Museum is closed – start exploring: http://ow.ly/19fL30qMfa9
Find more LGBTQ stories from the collection, highlight objects and resources here: http://ow.ly/jcfv30qLZZT #PrideMonth
📸 A collection of LGBTQ campaign badges made from the 1980s to now.

Hold the outrage. They're a healthy alternative to supermarkets.

A technology company has created an electronic badge that can monitor workers’ conversations, posture and even time spent in the toilet. This type of office surveillance raises concerns about workers’ rights and privacy https://econ.st/38gwoXc

Archaeologists Unearth Trove of Medieval Artifacts in London Cesspit

 cesspit とは【意味】汚物だめ; 汚水ダメ; 便池... 【例文】《俗語》 If he fell in a cesspit, he'd come up smelling of roses.... 「cesspit」の意味・例文・用例ならWeblio英和・和英辞書.

en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Cesspit

Cesspit - Wikipedia

A cesspit is a term with various meanings: it is used to describe either an underground holding tank (sealed at the bottom) or a soak pit It can be used for the temporary collection and storage of feces, excreta or fecal sludge as part of an on-site ...
