"I forgive everyone who caused my suffering, even the pilot, commander, people controlling me," says Phan Thi Kim Phuc. A photograph of her as a 9-year-old surviving a napalm attack became a defining image of the Vietnam War.
Here's an essay I wrote recently condemning the incendiary speeches of Republican presidential candidates. I'd be interested in your thoughts.
So, Jack-in-the-box was variously a religious insult, a swindler, the Devil and an incendiary device - clearly a character not to be meddled with. Even non-coulrophobic children might do well to be wary of Jack. He may not have been real but, as a bogeyman, he had some impressive credentials.
On Dec. 29, 1940, during World War II, Germany began dropping incendiary bombs on London.
Photo Essay
Happy 70th Birthday, Jimi Hendrix: Photos of an Incendiary Talent
If a musician's greatness is measured by the breadth of his influence — and how else should we gauge it? — Jimi Hendrix's legacy commends him as...
NOUNA toy consisting of a box containing a figure on a spring which pops up when the lid is opened. 他給我的洋玩意兒,確也是我家裡沒有的。例如揭開盒蓋就跳出來的“玩偶盒”(jack-in-the-box);一木盒鐵制的水禽,還有一隻小輪船,外加一個馬蹄形的吸鐵石,玩時端一面盆水,把鐵制的玩物浮在水上,用吸鐵石一指,滿盆的禽鳥和船都連成一串,聽我指揮。這些玩意兒都留在家裡給弟妹們玩,就玩沒了。
- 発音記号[inséndièri | -diəri]
1 火をつけるのに用いる[適した]
an incendiary bomb [shell]
an incendiary device
2 扇動的な, 教唆的な, 刺激的な, 扇情的な.
3 放火の.
1 焼夷弾.
2 扇動者, 教唆者.
3 放火者[犯人](arsonist).This picture of nine-year-old Phan Thi Kim Phuc - a young girl, running naked and terrified down the road after a napalm attack - became one of the most iconic images of the Vietnam War. (Credit: AP)
to napalm people who were resisting US....
First came the removal of the Pulitzer Prize-winning photograph by Nick Ut of a girl fleeing napalm in Vietnam, posted on the page of a Norwegian journalist.
n. a highly flammable sticky jelly used in incendiary bombs and flamethrowers, consisting of gasoline thickened with special soaps.
attack with bombs containing napalm.
Etymology: 1940s: from na (phthenic) and palm(itic acid).
See the Introduction, Abbreviations and Pronunciation for further details.
- [néipɑːm]
a napalm bomb
[naphthaleneとpalmitic acid]
凝固汽油彈(英語:napalm),亦稱燒夷彈,是幾種武器用途的可燃液體之總稱,大多以膠狀汽油為主成份。準確地說,「napalm」一詞字面上指的是凝固汽油彈中用來與汽油混合以產生膠質燃劑的黏稠劑成份。此詞是由它的研發者——路易·菲塞(Louis Frederick Fieser)所領導的哈佛大學化學家團隊所命名,是naphthenic(環烷酸)與palmitic acid(棕櫚酸)的鋁鹽的混成詞,製造凝固汽油彈時會將這兩種成份加入可燃物質使其膠質化[1]。
早期的流質燃劑容易噴濺又難以附著在目標物上,難達到集中殺傷的目的。美國發現改用膠狀汽油(gasoline gel)可以提昇噴火器的射程與效用,但是製造膠狀汽油須使用大量的天然橡膠,但天然橡膠不僅價格昂貴、產量較低,且在二戰初期,日軍占領了馬來西亞、印度尼西亞、越南和泰國等天然橡膠的主要產地後,同盟國的橡膠來源基本上被切斷[1]。
天然橡膠的各種缺點引起了杜邦、標準石油公司和哈佛大學的一些研究人員的注意,他們經過大量的努力後研發出能大規模工業生產的合成橡膠,並且可以用於汽車輪胎、坦克履帶和雨衣等各種用途。1942年,哈佛大學由美軍化學部隊(U.S. Chemical Warfare Service)路易教授(Louis Fieser)領導的團隊首先研發出可應用於合成橡膠的凝固汽油[2] 。並在1942年4月中旬,他們又研發出了一種新型棕色乾燥粉末,粉末本身並不具有粘性,但與汽油混合後就變得極度粘稠與易燃。路易教授的一個同事建議在凝固汽油中加入磷,可增強凝固汽油的殺傷性,使凝固汽油會滲入肌膚,並繼續燃燒,造成更加嚴重的燒傷。
Napalm - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Coulrophobia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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is a fear of clowns. The term is of recent origin, probably dating from
the 1980s, and according to one analyst, "has been coined more on the ...