2020年6月16日 星期二

halt, put on ice, grind to a halt, pastoral, eclogue, clog

The plan is being put on ice.

Japan Halts Plan for $5 Billion Lockheed Missile Defense SystemRegion's industries, distribution networks grind to a halt(03/13)

Coronavirus: US to halt funding to WHO, says Trump - BBC ...
www.bbc.com › news › world-us-canada-52289056

US President Donald Trump says he has instructed his administration to halt funding to the World Health Organization (WHO). He said the WHO had "failed in its basic duty" in its response to the coronavirus outbreak.
此新聞有的將halt 翻譯成"停止",有的"暫停",後者稍準確點。

Japanese shoe designer Noritaka Tatehana works in his office in Tokyo. Tatehana is the man behind Lady Gaga's towering, cloglike shoes, which have no heels and are up to 46 centimeters (18 inches) tall. (AP Photo)

put on ice

  1. (of an entertainment normally performed on the stage) performed by ice skaters as an ice show
    Cinderella on ice.
  2. (idiomatic) not being used, or not to be used e.g.
    put on ice.

to (cause to) stop moving or doing something or happening: "Halt!" called the guard. "You can't go any further without a permit." Production has halted at all of the company's factories because of the pay dispute.7 日前

ec·logue (ĕk'lôg', -lŏg'eclogue
[名]田園詩, 牧歌.
A pastoral poem, usually in the form of a dialogue between shepherds.

[Middle English eclog, from Latin ecloga, from Greek eklogē, selection, from eklegein, to select. See eclectic.]パストラル【pastoral 
grind to a halt

Also, come to a grinding halt. Gradually come to a standstill or end. For example, Once the funding stopped, the refurbishing project ground to a halt, or She's come to a grinding halt with that book she's writing. This expression alludes to a clogged engine that gradually stops or a ship that runs aground.



  • 1a shoe with a thick wooden sole.
  • 2an encumbrance or impediment:they found the tax to be an unacceptable clog on the market

verb (clogs, clogging, clogged)

  • block or become blocked with an accumulation of thick, wet matter: [with object]:the gutters were clogged up with leaves [no object]:too much fatty food makes your arteries clog up (as adjective clogged)clogged drains
  • fill up or crowd (something) so as to obstruct passage:tourists' cars clog the roads into Cornwall


Middle English (in the sense 'block of wood to impede an animal's movement'): of unknown origin


  • 発音記号[klɑ'g | klɔ'g][動](〜ged, 〜・ging)(他)
1 …の行動[運動など]を(足かせなどで)じゃまする[鈍らせる]((with ...)).
2 〈機械などの〉動きを(ねばねばした物・ほこりなどで)妨げる;〈管・排水溝などを〉詰まらせる, ふさぐ((up/with ...))
the drain clogged with hair
3 〈自動車などが〉〈道を〉ふさぐ.
4 (心配事などで)気分を重くする((with ...)).
1 〈排水溝・管などが〉(付着物で)詰まる, ふさがる;〈機械などが〉(ほこりなどで)動きが悪くなる((up/with ...)).
2 〈油などが〉粘りつく, 〈液体が〉凝固する.
3 クロッグダンスを踊る.
1 ((通例〜s))木靴, げた.
2 クロッグダンス(clog dance).
3 ((古))(行動・運動などを)妨げるもの, 障害物;(ほこりなどによる機械の)故障.
4 (足や首につける)おもり, 枷(かせ).
pop one's clogs
