2019年8月12日 星期一

marauding, a bunch of malarkey

A study of marula trees in the Kruger National Park found that bush fires protect damaged trees from marauding ants

That is a bunch of malarkey,' Joe Biden tells Paul Ryan during spirited debate DANVILLE, Ky. — U.S.

每日一詞 | Malarkey:拜登有多喜歡說別人“一派胡言”?
上週,在美國民主黨初選辯論中,前副總統拜登面對“圍剿”表現積極,他在回應對手的批評時說:“這種觀點是一派胡言(a bunch of malarkey)。”
除了“一派胡言”,拜登還有一系列被人們稱之為“拜登主義”的口頭禪,包括“look folks”(看吧伙計們)、“here's the deal”(要不這樣吧)、“I 'm serious”(我認真的)、“that's not hyperbole”(這不是誇張)等等。

maraudingadjective [ before noun ]. uk ​ /məˈrɔː.dɪŋ/ us ​ /məˈrɑː.dɪŋ/. ​. › going from one place to another killing or using violence, stealing, and destroying. 搶劫的,掠奪的. Witnesses reported gangs of marauding soldiers breaking ...
