2019年8月25日 星期日

cede, primacy, cassava,have-lots, ultrarich, is taken ill,

America is losing its primacy in the Western Pacific, it says.

Drawing China into a strengthened regional framework would not be to cede primacy to it. Nor would it be to abandon a liberal order that has served Asia—and America—so well. It may, in the end, not work. But given the huge dangers of rivalry, it is essential now to try.

Primacy is to geopolitics what a full card is to a game of bingo. As a prize for scoring in all the other sorts of power, a country may get the chance to set the agenda. Primacy makes a state attractive. Other states want to win its favour and to benefit from its goodwill http://econ.st/17vCzTS

The couple remark on how their children have changed, and they leave for home. During the journey Tomi is taken ill, and they make an unplanned stop at Osaka, where they had planned to meet their youngest son, Keizo (Shiro Osaka), without dismounting from the train.

Gates to Pitch His Charity Work at Davos
Bill Gates said he would bring cassava to Davos to underline a pitch for his foundation's efforts to eradicate hunger in places where food is scarce and crops are often blighted.

At Davos, a Big Issue Is the Have-Lots vs. the Have-Nots
The growing income inequality between the ultrarich and the middle class is now debated in arenas where the primacy of laissez-faire capitalism was once taken for granted.


Line breaks: cede


Give up (power or territory):in 1874, the islands were ceded to Britain


early 16th century: from French céder or Latin cedere 'to yield'.


Pronunciation: /ˈprʌɪməsi/


[mass noun]
  • 1the fact of being pre-eminent or most important:London’s primacy as a financial centre
  • 2the office, period of office, or authority of a primate of the Church:the first years of his primacy were tranquil
  • 3 [usually as modifier] Psychology the fact of an item having been presented earlier to the subject (especially as increasing its likelihood of being remembered):the primacy effect is thought to reflect recall from a long-term memory store


late Middle English: from Old French primatie, from medieval Latin primatia, from Latin primasprimat- 'of the first rank' (see primate1)

cassava n. - 樹薯

1 《植物》キャッサバ, タピオカノキ:熱帯産.
2 [U]1の根茎から採るでんぷん. ▼maniocまたはtapiocaともいい, 熱帯地方の多くの国で主食.
