The city of Baltimore, and Elijah Cummings, do not deserve the president’s invective. But the Democratic Party must take its share of responsibility for Charm City's problems
IT'S OFFICIAL: Brexit Britain WILL thrive out of EU as our economy SURGES ahead
LEADING economists have accepted at last that British business is surging ahead following the Brexit vote, the Treasury revealed yesterday.
China, Japan engage in new invective over disputed isles
increasingly muscular China has been repeatedly at odds with others in
the region over rival claims to small clusters of islands, most recently
with fellow economic giant Japan which accused a Chinese navy vessel of locking radar normally used to ...
Time Inc.’s New Chief Rethinks Magazines for a Digital Audience
In her first couple months Laura Lang has convened senior executives to
review each magazine and assess what each needs to thrive in a digital
Yet Rand’s appeal has been undimmed by either the vituperation of her critics or the peculiarity of her admirers. Her insight in “Atlas Shrugged”—that society cannot thrive unless it is willing to give freedom to its entrepreneurs and innovators—has proved to be prescient. Even if John Galt is under threat once again in the West, he is back in business in China and India.
"This was thriving and jumping in the 1920s and 30s," he says. "Now it has a chance to restart. It's like you go back to Klondike and say: 'Hey guys, we're reopening again.'"
verb [I] thrived or US ALSO throve, thrived or US ALSO thriven
to grow, develop or be successful:
His business thrived in the years before the war.
She seems to thrive on stress.
adjectivejump (BE BUSY)
be jumping If a place is jumping, it is lively and crowded:
This joint (= place of entertainment) is really jumping tonight.
a thriving economy
IN BRIEF: adj. - Not made less bright.
- The act or an instance of vituperating; abusive censure.
- Sustained, harshly abusive language; invective.
- 音節
- in • vec • tive
- 発音
- invéktiv
- invectiveの変化形
- invectives (複数形)
1 [U]((形式))激しい非難;毒舌, ののしり.
2 ((しばしば〜s))悪口雑言, ののしり言葉, 悪態.
- 発音記号[θráiv]
- [動](自)(thrived or throve 〔θróuv〕, thriv・en 〔θrív
n〕 or thrived)[I([副])]((形式))
1 〈人・国・産業などが〉栄える, 繁栄する;〈人・事業などが〉成功する;〈人が〉金持ちになる. ⇒PROSPER[類語]
3 〈人・企業などが〉(困難などをかてにして)成功する, (…を)楽しむ((on ...)).