2019年8月17日 星期六

charisma 與 likability, Likability Trap

How Women Can Escape the Likability Trap

Likability may be the currency of movie stardom, but most actors agree that the juiciest roles often belong to the villains.

 說點魅力:charisma與 likability
charisma 這字,有人翻譯成「魅力」,我是從M. Weber的作品學來的。它表示少數之能人 他們天賦異稟,能激發別人的熱情崇拜的( A rare personal quality attributed to leaders who arouse fervent popular devotion and enthusiasm )。前一陣子讀某出版社主編講書市,他竟然把有人緣、銷售大好的書稱為charisma 。

關於重人迷政治 charisma人物,從而造成的社會大災難,20 世紀的毛澤東、希特勒等最讓人深思。

以前廣告學說,某些廣告能抓住人心等,就稱為 ad likability。【What Is Ad Likability?  … usually called attitude to the ad likability ("People generally agree with people they like"),  shows the likability ratings for each box. The box that received the most votes (19 out of a possible 74) was "Palette." The next most popular box ... 

現在有人稱「人緣 、人氣」等為 likability,還寫書討論。兩岸都有翻譯本。

提姆桑德斯( Tim Sanders)『討人喜歡因素:如何提高你的人緣指數,實現生活夢想』( The Likeability Factor  How to Boost your L-Factor and Achieve your Life's Dreams )洪慧芳譯,台北:天下【書名:『好感度!』】;大陸;: 袁岳等譯。

 ……. 好消息是:你可以為這場人氣大賽做好準備,在人生中贏得他人的青睞。怎麼做到呢?就是要討人喜歡。 


"Conventional wisdom insists that it's more important to be respected than liked. In this book Tim Sanders challenges that notion and reveals the awesome power of likeability. He shows us that if we want to garner support from our associates, earn the loyalty of our employees, lead our followers to a better future, be healthy, and finally achieve our life's dreams, we must first be liked. In this important and necessary book, Sanders tells us why our likeability is the foundation of our success, and shows us how we can increase our own." —Marcus Buckingham, author of First, Break All the Rules and The One Thing You Need to Know. . .
「我們一般認為,受人敬重比討人喜歡還重要;但提姆 ˙桑德斯在本書中推翻了這種觀念,讓人見識到好感度的驚人威力。他證明,如果我們想要獲得同仁的支持,員工的忠誠,領導追隨者邁向更好的未來,變得更健康,讓人生美夢成真的話,就必須先讓自己討人喜歡。桑德斯在這本重要且必要的書中告訴我們,為什麼好感度是成功的基石,並教我們如何提升自己的好感度。」~馬可思  巴金漢

討人喜歡聽起來是種不錯的品質,可親性高意味著你可能會在與人打交道時如魚得水。學者波特在時報觀點版面上對likability (討人喜歡、可親性)背後的性別因素進行分析 ,並呼籲人們重新思考是什麼在決定我們覺得誰更可親可愛。
