Here, in a single graphic, is the marvellous face-shifting and genre-hopping of David Bowie—from beginning to end
《國際先驅論壇報》說,美國國際集團如果倒閉,其後果將比雷曼兄弟和華爾街其他大公司的倒閉更嚴重,這是因為AIG在信用違約互換(credit default swap)這種極其複雜的價值超億萬美元的保險市場中起著至關重要的作用。
報道說,美國這場金融風暴昨天越過大西洋,開始侵襲英國。英國最大的金融保險和抵押貸款銀行哈里法克斯首當其沖。報道說, 像美林證券和雷曼兄弟這種被認為堅不可摧的大公司都會倒閉,那麼市場交易員必定要問:誰將是下一個?英國各銀行只要顯出或者被人看出有任何軟弱跡象,必定 會被抓住不放。
The Washington Post notes that the rescue package "effectively nationalizes one of the central institutions in the crisis that has swept through markets this month." The Wall Street Journal points out that this is "a historic development, particularly considering that AIG isn't directly regulated by the federal government."
The move marked an astounding about-face for the government that had been resisting AIG's pleas for help over the last few days and earlier chose to let Lehman Bros. fail rather than put forward more taxpayer money. "The main difference between the two situations: AIG is so huge and its operations so intertwined in the financial system that the Fed feared an AIG failure could harm the broader economy," USA Today summarizes. Or as the WSJ puts it: "This time, the government decided AIG truly was too big to fail." The Los Angeles Times notes that while Fed officials said the action was due to the fact that AIG insures the assets of millions of Americans, it seems the main reason "was fear that the company's failure could weaken or destroy nearly a half-trillion dollars' worth of financial protection that AIG provides Wall Street firms and the biggest companies of Europe and Asia."
Tim Russert, 58, NBC’s Face of Politics, Dies
face 很值得讀
此處Face of Politics 指"(電視台)政治節目之"台面" "人物"....
A person: We saw many new faces on the first day of classes.
創世紀:Chapter 1 |
創世紀 | Genesis |
1在起初天主創造了天地。 | 1In the beginning God created heaven, and earth. |
2大地還是混沌空虛,深淵上還是一團黑暗,天主的神在水面上運行。 | 2And the earth was void and empty, and darkness was upon the face of the deep; and the spirit of God moved over the waters. |
face was found in the Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary at the entries listed below.
- face (HEAD)
- face (FRONT)
- face (RESPECT)
- face (DEAL WITH)
- facecloth
- about-turn
- face cream
- face pack
- face powder
- face-saving
- face-to-face
- face value
- pizza-face
- poker-faced
- rock face
- straight face
- volte-face
- face up to sth
- square up to sb/sth
- until you are blue in the face
- put on a brave face
- cut off your nose to spite your face
- egg on sb's face
- sb's face falls
- to sb's face
- in the face of sth
- sb's face doesn't fit
- Get out of my face!
- be in your face
- be in your face
- have a face like the back end of a bus
- the face of sth
- disappear off the face of the earth
- on the face of it
- take sth at face value
- face the music
- fall flat on your face
- fly in the face of sth
- wouldn't know sth if you fell over one/it
- laugh in sb's face
- be laughing on the other side of your face
- let's face it
- not look sb in the eye/face
- face is a picture
- be (as) plain as the nose on your face
- show your face
- shut your mouth/face
- stare sb in the face
- stuff your face
- throw sth back in sb's face
- the unacceptable face of sth
- wipe the smile off sb's face
- wipe sth off the map
- written all over sb's face
這對發誓要推翻過去、按蘇聯模式建設社會的共產黨來說,是一個徹底的轉變(an about-face)。據韋氏字典, about-face一詞來自軍事口令“about face!”(向後轉!),意為態度、行為或觀點的反轉。
- The act of pivoting to face in the opposite direction from the original, especially in a military formation.
- A military command to turn clockwise 180°.
- A total change of attitude or viewpoint.
To reverse direction.