2021年4月8日 星期四

erasure, crew, ski chalet, unfussy. A pub landlord is "livid" after being told his wooden chalet for outside dining, fitted with a bar, pizza oven and TV, breaks UK Covid rules.

A pub landlord is "livid" after being told his wooden chalet for outside dining, fitted with a bar, pizza oven and TV, breaks UK Covid rules.

Architect Jeremy Jih's modern glass-walled ski chalet in Stowe, Vermont is designed around a cinematic view of the ski slopes and creates an open and unfussy space that still feels cozy

Going to sea is all about hardship, sacrifice and boredom—“SSDD”, or same shit, different day, as Filipino sailors say

Unsung Filipino seafarers power the global economy
No other nation crews so many merchant ships

Uber and the ongoing  erasure of public life

After World War II, Mr. Gay finds “much talent and little genius.” Pop Art’s erasure of distinctions between high and low art, crucial in his mind to the Modernist project, spelled the end of the great human adventure that began a century or more earlier. But Mr. Gay is not quite ready to sign the death certificate, especially after a visit to the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao, Spain, designed by Frank Gehry. A twitch here, a jerk there, and who knows? There may indeed be life after death.

Deepwater Horizon Should Have Survived Blowout

Eight months after the explosion of the Macondo oil well, the 11 people who were killed on the Deepwater Horizon oil rig often seem like somewhat of an afterthought. Most of the attention is usually on the oil spill, as if the deaths of the 11 people on the rig — not to mention dozens of injuries — were inevitable. Yet that was hardly the case considering the Horizon had multiple safety mechanisms that should have worked. But on that fateful April 20 "every one of the Horizon's defenses failed," writes the New York Times in an extensive investigation. Some defense systems never worked. Others were deployed too late. Most of all though there seems to have been multiple failures of communication that paralyzed many in the crew right at the time when they should have been working together. The crew members were well-versed in safety issues, but they routinely failed to prepare for the worst possible scenario. And when it happened, many simply didn't know how to react, often failing to realize just how bad things were until it was too late. Already under pressure from executives due to many delays, some in the crew were terrified of overreacting in a way that could damage costly equipment. "Even with the Horizon burning, powerless and gutted by explosions, there was still resistance to the strongest possible measure that might save the rig," writes the Times. Other safety mechanisms, such as the emergency-disconnect system, "failed to work for reasons that remain unclear."


furiously angry.
he was livid at being left out
  • livid
  • ashen


Dictionary result for chalet

  1. a wooden house with overhanging eaves, typically found in the Swiss Alps.
      a small cabin or house used by holidaymakers, forming a unit within a holiday complex.


Dictionary result for erasure

  1. the removal of writing, recorded material, or data.
    synonyms:deletion, rubbing out, wiping out/off; More
    • the removal of all traces of something; obliteration.

      "the erasure of prior history"
