2021年4月9日 星期五

regime, currency/tax regime, regimen, totalitarian, intolerable, a quarantine and testing regime for foreign travellers. Hong Kong faces a train of financial troubles

Without comparable tax regimes in other countries, the cost of being an American-based multinational would go up considerably

In an article titled “Taiwan trial offers hope for restoring international travel”, the Financial Times highlighted that the Taiwanese government and Stanford University of the US are preparing a quarantine and testing regime for foreign travellers that could provide a new protocol for a broader return for international travel.

Hong Kong’s economic woes raise questions about how hard it would fight for its currency regime if the markets tested its will

Social unrest, a trade war and now the coronavirus threaten its economy

Hong Kong faces a train of financial troubles
Social unrest, a trade war and now the coronavirus threaten its economy

 A deal has been struck between the three main political parties on a new press regulation regime in the wake of the phone-hacking scandal.

And a separate bill, the Crime and Courts Bill, will have amendments ensuring that newspapers who refused to join the new regulatory regime would be potentially liable for exemplary damages if a claim was upheld against them.

Tougher Sanctions on North Korea Pass in Unified U.N. Vote

The United Nations Security Council approved a new regimen of sanctions against North Korea on Thursday over its nuclear test last month, in a unified vote that underscored the nation’s increased isolatio

Regimens: For Omega-3s, Fish May Beat Pills

Taking supplements of omega-3 fatty acids does not have the same effect of reducing the risk of stroke as eating fish high in omega-3s, a study shows.In an interview, David Drummond, Google’s chief legal officer, said Google’s revenue in China was “immaterial.” But he acknowledged that Google could eventually miss an opportunity presented by a booming Internet market. “I suppose there is a risk there if it becomes a major market. We are not going to make a financially based decision to stay in a market that is intolerable for us,” he said.

Video: From Totalitarian to Authoritarian to...?

A Bloggingheads debate on whether China’s government is becoming more democratic.


noun [C]
1 MAINLY DISAPPROVING a particular government or a system or method of government:
The old corrupt, totalitarian regime was overthrown.

2 a particular way of operating or organizing a business, etc:
The regime in this office is hard work and more hard work.
Children at primary schools are being forced to grow up too soon and face ”intolerable pressure” from both the regime of testing in schools and fears about commercialism in the outside world, research suggests.

3 a regimen

re • gime, ré-
rəʒíːm | rei-
regimes (複数形)
1 政治制度[形態], 政体, 統治方式;管理体制
a military regime
2 政権;政権持続期間
under the Nazi regime
3 (社会)制度, 体制
under the present regime
4 《医学》=regimen 1.
5 (気候・事件・行為の)一定の型, 状況.
[名]1 政治制度[形態], 政体, 統治方式;管理体制 a military regime軍政.2 政権;政権持続期間 under the Nazi regimeナチ政権の存続中に.3 (社会...

匯率制度英文exchange rate regime)指一國貨幣管理部門外匯市場管理本國貨幣與其他貨幣關係的方式。匯率制度與貨幣政策有密切的關係,兩者通常受共同因素所影響。
An exchange rate regime is the way a monetary authority of a country or currency union manages the currency in relation to other currencies and the foreign exchange market. It is closely related to monetary policy and the two are generally dependent on many of the same factors, such as economic scale and openness, inflation rate, elasticity of the labor marketfinancial market development, capital mobility etc.
There are two major regime types:
[名]((形式))1 《医学》摂生, 養生法;食習慣.2 たゆまぬきびしい訓練;教育プログラム.3 ((古))=regime 1.

in·tol·er·a·ble (ĭn-tŏl'ər-ə-bəl
Impossible to tolerate or endure; unbearable: intolerable agony.

intolerability in·tol'er·a·bil'i·ty or in·tol'er·a·ble·ness n.
intolerably in·tol'er·a·bly adv.

of or being a political system in which those in power have complete control and do not allow people freely to oppose them:
a totalitarian regime/state

