2021年4月2日 星期五

stand apart , Untit, "A massive home run." Tesla Deliveries Smash Expectations on Reception

"A massive home run."
Tesla Deliveries Smash Expectations on Reception in China

Stand News 立場新聞
4月1日下午3:03 ·

張國榮逝世十八年 歌迷文華東方外獻花悼念
今日是 4 月 1 日,也是「哥哥」張國榮逝世的日子。在他身故的中環文華東方酒店近雪廠街出入口,中午出現數十束花,部分附有哥哥照片及歌迷留言「永遠想念你」、「Miss you Leslie」等,有市民駐足拍照,或與哥哥的肖像自拍。
十八年前,張國榮在文華東方酒店躍下身亡,終年 46 歲,其後每年,酒店門外均會有歌迷自發留下悼念花束,以表思念。……

The ability of AI audits to actually detect and protect against biased algorithms remains unproven. At best, they give an incomplete picture, and at worst, they could help companies hide problematic or controversial practices behind an auditor’s stamp of approval.

Auditors are testing hiring algorithms for bias, but big questions remain
AI audits may overlook certain types of bias, and they don’t necessarily verify that a hiring tool picks the best candidates for a job.

stand apart [句動詞]1 人[世間,活動]との距離を置くstand apart from somebody / something<…>との距離を置く• Texas delegates stand apart from other Republicans from around the nation.テキサス州の代議員は全国から集まった他の共和党員との間に距離を置いている.2 (同種の他のものと) 違っている, 一線を画している  脫穎而出• Brown’s music stands apart because of its humor.ブラウンの音楽はそのユーモアで他と一線を画している.
Last chance to see the most comprehensive retrospective of Dora Maar ever held, showcasing an extraordinary career of provocative, surrealist work. Book here to catch an exclusive after-hours tour of the show, on Monday evening at Tate Modern: https://bit.ly/39zjAvP
Dora Maar, Sans titre 1935, Musée National d'Art Moderne - Centre Pompidou (Paris, France) © Estate of Dora Maar / DACS 2020, All Rights Reserved.

La-di-da, La-di-do,
He's a well-known old Adonis,
La-di-da, La-di-do,
You may tell it by his nose,
La-di-da, La-di-do,
For the colour all his own is,
It's a pleasing combination
Of the beetroot and the rose.
