2018年3月15日 星期四

transport (FEELING), bus tables, carry (KEEP IN OPERATION), tote

Democrat’s Win in Pennsylvania Upends Both Parties’ Plans

Conor Lamb’s razor-thin upset, winning a House seat in a district that President Trump carried by nearly 20 points, rattled Republicans and showed Democrats a path to win back Trump voters.

Icahn's effort to unseat Yahoo's board has picked up new backers, including Texas billionaire T. Boone Pickens, but Yahoo shareholders said it is too early to predict whether Icahn can carry a shareholder vote

Call it stand-up sociology: Conley is much exercised about T-shirts, bottled water, personal trainers, “the proliferation of eating options at sports stadiums,” and people who bus their own tables at McDonalds.

transport (FEELING), bus  tables, carry (KEEP IN OPERATION)

WordNet: tote
Note: click on a word meaning below to see its connections and related words.
The noun has one meaning:
Meaning #1: a capacious bag or basket
Synonyms: carryallholdalltote bag

The verb tote has one meaning:
Meaning #1: carry with difficulty
Synonyms: lugtug

v. tr. - 提, 攜帶, 負
n. - 搬運, 搬運物, 攜帶, 攜帶物
  • tote bag 大手提袋, 購物袋
v. tr. - 提, 攜帶, 負
n. - 賽馬賭金計算器

日本語 (Japanese)
v. - 運ぶ, 携帯する, 合計する
n. - 賭け率標示器, 荷物

  • tote bag 大型バッグ

transport (FEELING) Show phonetics
If something transports you to a different time or place, it makes you feel as if you are in it:
The film transported us back to the New York of the 1950s.

The American Victory in the War of Independence
John Ferling

Stunningly transports readers to the American Revolution, capturing an eight-year conflict filled with heroism, suffering, and fierce dedication.

To move to strong emotion; carry away; enrapture. See synonyms at enrapture.

transport Show phonetics
in transports (of delight) extremely pleased or happy
  1. To transport in a bus.
  2. To transport (schoolchildren) by bus to schools outside their neighborhoods, especially as a means of achieving racial integration.
    1. To carry or clear (dishes) in a restaurant.
    2. To clear dishes from (a table).

carry (KEEP IN OPERATION) Show phonetics
verb [T] to support, keep in operation, or make a success:
We can no longer afford to carry people who don't work as hard as they should.
Luckily they had a very strong actor in the main part and he managed to carry the whole play (= make a success of it through his own performance).
