Hope Hicks to Resign Communications Post
Ms. Hicks, a political novice known as one of the few aides who could challenge President Trump to change his views, said she had been considering leaving for months.
Swedish Zoo Boras Djurpark Admits Killing Nine Lion Cubs | PEOPLE ...
1 日前 - A Swedish zoo has come under fire for its controversial, and seemingly cruel, practice of killing healthy young lions. PEOPLE contacted Borås Djurpark, near Gothenburg, which openly admits and explains its euthanasia, or “culling,” practice. “In Boras Zoo, we have euthanized 9 young surplus lions since 2013, for population management reasons. These lions were not cubs, but subadults around 1.5 -2 years old which had to leave their family unit because of group ...He deserves to get rooked.
The last seven years have been the most important of my life: they have been the novitiate of my intelligence, the initiation of my being into being.
Gallerists to the People
Artsicle is an online business that rents inexpensive art cheaply, aimed at novice collectors with small budgets, limited art knowledge and no appetite for intimidating galleries.

App Smart
A Garden of Delights, Mapped Out in Your Hand
A handy arsenal of apps to help any type of gardener, whether a novice or an old hand.
All a Cub Reporter Needs Is a Scoop and an iPhone
Fwix, a local news site, will release an iPhone application to let users file news updates, photos and videos from the field.
a young person being trained to write articles for a newspaper
Pronunciation: /nə(ʊ)ˈvɪʃɪət, -ɪeɪt/
(also noviciate)
Definition of novitiate
early 17th century: from ecclesiastical Latin noviciatus, from Latin novicius 'new' (see novice)novice
- 音節
- nov • ice
- 発音
- nɑ'vis | nɔ'v-
- noviceの変化形
- novices (複数形)
1 (…の)未熟者, 初心[初学]者;新参者((at ...)).
2 見習い修練士[女];修練者;新信者, 新帰依者, 新改宗者.
- The young of certain carnivorous animals, such as the bear, wolf, or lion.
- A youth, especially one who is inexperienced, awkward, or ill-mannered.
- A novice or learner, particularly in newspaper reporting.
- Cub A Cub Scout.
[Origin unknown.]
rook·ie (rʊk'ē)

- Slang.
- An untrained or inexperienced recruit, as in the army or police.
- An inexperienced person; a novice.
- Sports. A first-year player, especially in a professional sport.
[Perhaps alteration of RECRUIT.]
rook·er·y (rʊk'ə-rē)

n., pl., -ies.
- A place where rooks nest or breed.
- A colony of rooks.
- The breeding ground of certain other birds or animals, such as penguins and seals.
- Informal. A crowded and dilapidated tenement.
- An Old World bird (Corvus frugilegus) that resembles the North American crow and nests in colonies near the tops of trees.
- A swindler or cheat, especially at games.
To swindle; cheat: Customers are afraid of being rooked by unscrupulous vendors.
[Middle English rok, from Old English hrōc.]
![]() | ![]() | ||
專 輯Rook
Also called a rook.
Rook - photo by
rook2 (rʊk)

n. (Abbr. R)
A chess piece that may move in a straight line over any number of empty squares in a rank or file. Also called castle.
[Middle English rok, from Old French roc, from Arabic ruḫḫ, from Persian.]
n. - 白嘴鴉, 騙子
v. tr. - 欺騙