2018年3月1日 星期四

wash one's hands of, gill, gillnet, longest-living vertebrate, invertebrate,

You don't want to make this caterpillar angry: http://scim.ag/2HUEKXQ
關注組織指出,小頭鼠海豚目前的數量,較 2011 年大幅減少九成,現僅存不多於 30 條。世界自然基金會(WWF)指出,小頭鼠海豚有可能會在數個月內絕種。

John Kerry Sends Regrets
Obama officials start to wash their hands of the Syrian catastrophe.

That’s the equivalent of 20,800 Shark Weeks.

400-year-old shark is the longest-living vertebrate ever

Scientists recently discovered that Greenland sharks could live for as long as 400 years, making them the longest-living vertebrates on record by a huge…

Europe today has been shaped much more by its island neighbour than it might admit

To wash its hands of Europe would be a betrayal of Britain’s past, and future
If Brexiteers love Europe so much, they should try to make it better

...In the papers Gillyweed – Drowning with Gills? and Revealing the Magic of Skele-Gro, both published in the Journal for Interdisciplinary Science Topics, students at the University of Leicester analyse two spells used by Rowling’s young wizard: Gillyweed, which enables its eater to grow gills and thus breathe underwater, and Skele-Gro, which repairs broken bones.If Harry were to open his mouth to allow water into his throat and out through the gills, it may be plausible
From Gillyweed – Drowning with Gills?Gillyweed, which is eaten by Harry Potter when he is attempting to swim to the bottom of a lake in the fourth book, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, was investigated by natural science students Rowan Reynolds and Chris Ringrose. Looking at the size of Harry’s gills in the film adaptation of Rowling’s novel, they estimated them to be 60cmin surface area. They then estimated the oxygen content of the Black Lake, and the maximum oxygen use of swimming, and found that the average 14-year-old boy “would need to process 443 litres of water at 100% efficiency per minute for every minute he was underwater”, meaning that water would need to flow at 2.46 metres per second.
“This is extremely fast if Harry is to bring water into his gills through respiratory power alone. The velocity of normal breathing has been recorded as 1.30 metres per second; 2.46 metres per second is almost twice the velocity of normal airflow, which makes Harry’s gills unfeasible,” they write in the peer-reviewed student journal, which is run by the university’s Centre for Interdisciplinary Science and intended to give students practical experience of writing, editing, publishing and reviewing scientific papers.
“In the film, Harry is frequently seen swimming with his mouth closed, which is not how fish use their gills,” they add. “If Harry were to open his mouth to allow water into his throat and out through the gills, it may be plausible that he could breathe underwater. However, without doing this, it is simply not plausible that he could extract sufficient oxygen for survival,” they conclude.

wash one's hands

Go to the toilet (used euphemistically).


wash one's hands of

Disclaim responsibility for:the social services washed their hands of his daughter
Originally with biblical allusion to Matt. 27:24
gill 1 

Pronunciation: /ɡɪl/ 


(often gills)
1The paired respiratory organ of fish and some amphibians, by which oxygen is extracted from water flowing over surfaces within or attached to the walls of the pharynx.
1.1An organ in an invertebrate animal with a similar function to gills in fish andamphibians.
2The vertical plates arranged radially on the underside of mushrooms and many toadstools.
3The wattles or dewlap of a domestic fowl.


1Gut or clean (a fish).
2Catch (a fish) in a gill net.


green about (or around or at) the gills

(Of a person) looking or feeling ill or nauseous.xample sentences

to the gills

Until completely full.



[IN COMBINATION]: a six-gilled shark


Middle English: from Old Norse.


  1. [名詞]
  2. 1 ((通例 gills)) (魚の)鰓えら
  3. 2 (キノコの笠かさの裏側の)襞ひだ,菌褶きんしゅう.
    ◆lamella ともいう.⇒MUSHROOM (図)
  4. 3 =ground ivy.
  5. 4 ((しばしば gills)) (鶏・七面鳥などの)肉垂れ;(人の)垂れ下がったほお.
  1. fed to the gills
    • ((俗)) (…に)食傷気味で,うんざりして((with ...)).
  1. green [or blue,pale,white] around [or about] the gills
    • (病気・恐怖などで)顔色が悪くて,青ざめて;気分が悪くて;酔っ払って.
  1. lit [or loaded] to the gills
    • ((米俗)) 酔っ払って.
  1. rosy [or red] about [or around] the gills
    • 血色がよくて,(酔って)赤い顔をして.
  1. to the gills
    • ((話)) 目一杯,たっぷり;すっかり,全く
  1. turn red in the gills
    • 腹を立てる,むくれる.
  1. ━━ [他動詞]
  2. 1 〈魚を〉刺し網で取る.
  3. 2 〈魚の〉鰓[はらわた]を取る.
  4. 3 〈キノコの〉襞を切り取る.
  1. ━━ [自動詞] 〈魚が〉刺し網にかかる.
  2. [語源]
    1325年以前. 中期英語 gile<スカンジナビア

    gill net
    noun: gillnet
    1. a fishing net which is hung vertically so that fish get trapped in it by their gills.

    1. 1.
      an animal lacking a backbone, such as an arthropod, mollusc, annelid, coelenterate, etc. The invertebrates constitute an artificial division of the animal kingdom, comprising 95 per cent of animal species and about thirty different phyla.
    1. 1.
      denoting an invertebrate or relating to the invertebrates as a group.



    Pronunciation: /ˈvəːtɪbrət/ 


    An animal of a large group distinguished by the possession of a backbone or spinal column, including mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and fishes. Compare withinvertebrate.
    • Subphylum Vertebrata, phylum Chordata: seven classes.


    Denoting a vertebrate or relating to the vertebrates as a group.


    Early 19th century: from Latin vertebratus 'jointed', from vertebra (see vertebra).
