2018年3月2日 星期五

graduate (ADVANCE), papal bull, set your sights on, rod of iron,


Economic Partnership Agreement

Environmental Protection Agency
An agency of the federal government charged with a variety of responsibilities relating to protection of the quality of the natural environment, including research and monitoring, promulgation of standards for air and water quality, and control of the introduction of pesticides and other hazardous materials into the environment.


WERE shooting oneself in the foot an Olympic event, China would surely be well placed for a gold. The Beijing 2008 Olympic Torch Relay, taking the flame around the world before the games begin in August, was always a risk. Of course the flame would draw protesters like moths. But the suppression of riots and protests in Tibet has ensured the torch's progress has graduated from minor diplomatic embarrassment to full-scale public-relations disaster (see article).

Two ways to repair China's image: end the torch re...

Definition of rule with a rod of iron. British. : to rule a country, area, group, etc., in a very strict and often cruel way. The dictator ruled (the country) with a rod of iron.

graduate (ADVANCE)
verb [I]
to advance or improve:

She graduated from being a secretary to running her own department.

papal bull

bull [Lat. bulla=leaden seal鉛封], papal letter.

(bull, papal:教宗詔書;教宗訓諭:為教宗所頒發的最隆重之文告;通常以「某某主教,天主眾僕之僕」字句開始;如任命主教的文告即是。
拉丁語原文為 Bulla,指鉛封而言。
教宗使用的公文程式均為拉丁文,共分五種:(1)詔書 Bulla。(2)自動詔書 Motu Proprio。(3)通諭 Littera Encyclica。(4)宗座簡函 Brevis。(5)牧函 Littera Pastoralis。)回到天主教字典

Wikipedia article "Papal bull".

University of Montpellier,

at Montpellier, France; founded 1220 by Cardinal Conrad and confirmed by papal bull. The university was suppressed during the French Revolution and replaced by faculties of medicine, pharmacy, science, and letters of the Univ. of France. It was reestablished as a university in 1896. In 1970 it was divided into three units: Univ. of Montpellier I (where the medical school is located), Univ. of Montpellier II (also known as Univ. of Technical Sciences, with faculties of engineering, sciences, and business management), and Univ. of Montpellier III (Paul Valéry Univ., with faculties of arts, letters, philosophy and linguistics, languages, literature, human and environmental sciences, economics, mathematics, and social sciences).

Columbia EncyclopediaThe Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition Copyright © 2003, Columbia University Press. Licensed from Columbia University Press. All rights reserved. www.cc.columbia.edu/cu/cup/ Read more

set your sights on
to decide to achieve something:
Jenny has set her sights on winning the chess competition.
