2017年12月22日 星期五

error/ sin of commission, error/ sins of omission

 commission 作為,  omission 不作為

sin of commission 是作了神禁止人所做的事
sins of omission 不作為的罪:神要你做的事,你卻沒有去做

  error of commission/ error of omission  此等"錯誤",與"神"無關,"過"猶"不及"方面的錯誤。

sin of omission


  • A sinful failure to perform an action.
    ‘sins of omission more usually cause such problems’

sin of commission


  • A sinful action.
    • ‘Besides the sins of omission, there are also sins of commission.’
    • ‘The early common law was hard put to deal with the intentional infliction of harm, and sins of omission are popularly regarded as less culpable than sins of commission.’
    • ‘Generally with the media it's always the sins of omission, not the sins of commission, that are the more grave.’
    • ‘He should have done more, he knew it was wrong, and he had tolerated evil to be done, a sin of omission, equally as bad as a sin of commission.’
    • ‘And should my sin of commission or omission create employment, I do not even need to be acquitted.’
    • ‘As the parable implies, the fervently devout may have a harder time admitting their sins of commission and omission than the less observant.’
    • ‘War and rumors of war are matters of judgments of past failures by all, of sins of commission and omission, of what has been done and what has been left undone.’
    • ‘But we rarely hear about the West's more recent sins of commission.’
    • ‘Finally, several respondents take issue with my policy recommendations, based on alleged sins of commission or omission.’
    • ‘The sins of omission are always worse than the sins of commission in journalism.’
