Copper for December delivery closed up 1.3% to $3.2560 a pound, the highest settlement since July 2014.
Pope praises Australia for apology to Aborigines
Pope Benedict XVI has used a speech to hundreds of thousands of Roman Catholic pilgrims gathered in the Australian city of Sydney to urge the world to take more care of its natural resources.
The pope also condemned television and the Internet for exalting violence and sexual exploitation.
The speech was Benedict's first major address at the Roman Catholic Church's World Youth Day. In earlier remarks, the pontiff praised the Australian government for its February apology to the country's Aborigines for injustices committed over two centuries of white settlement.
SAid和David Barsamian對談錄"文化與抵抗"( Culture and Resistance: Conversations With Edward)梁永安譯,台北:立緒,2004
「巴薩米安(David Barsamian)科羅拉多州博爾德市「替代性電台」(
這是錯誤的,《階級戰爭》(Class Warfare)才對。
這個字眼的歷史,請參考本其紐約時報周日雜誌WILLIAM SAFIRE專文。其中談從「階級鬥爭」到「階級戰爭」:
Class warfare began as class struggle. In their 1848 ''Communist Manifesto,'' Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels wrote, ''The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggle'' -- in German, Klassenkämpfen. Kampf is translated as ''struggle,'' short of Krieg, ''war.'' But in 1852, the battle was rhetorically escalated in The Times of London: ''Lord Henry Lennox thinks that the pressure of taxation is unequal, and he hopes for an amicable settlement of our fatal class warfare.'' (Sounds as if Lord Henry is running for office today.) Aldous Huxley in 1927 denounced ''those who would interpret all social phenomena in terms of class warfare.''
音節set・tle・ment 発音記号/séṭlmənt/音声を聞く
the settlement of the Pilgrim Fathers in Plymouth ピルグリムファーザーズのプリマス植民.
settle (LIVE)
1 [I usually + adverb or preposition] to go and live somewhere, especially permanently:
After they got married, they settled in Brighton.
2 [I or T; often passive] to arrive, especially from another country, in a new place and establish yourself, claiming the land as your own:
America was first settled by people who came across from Asia over 25 000 years ago.
settled adjective
After many years of travelling around, we're now enjoying a more settled life (= we are living in one place).
noun [C or U]
A large Roman settlement (= a place where people lived during that period in history) has been discovered just outside the town.
Many Native Americans were killed during the settlement of the American West by Europeans in the nineteenth century.
noun [C]
a person who arrives, especially from another country, in a new place and claims the land in order to live on it and farm it
Literary Glossary: Lost Generation
A term first used by Gertrude Stein to describe the post-World War I generation of American writers: men and women haunted by a sense of betrayal and emptiness brought about by the destructiveness of the war. The term is commonly applied to Hart Crane, Ernest Hemingway, F. Scott Fitzgerald, and others.
Australian PM with historic apology to Aborigines
Australia has apologised to the Aboriginal people for decades of mistreatment. Speaking in parliament Prime Minister Kevin Rudd issued the formal apology to members of the so-called Stolen Generations of aborigines, who were forcibly taken from their families and communities when they were young children. Rudd said the laws and policies had inflicted "profound grief, suffering and loss". The parliamentary apology comes 11 years after a report into
past assimilation policies between 1910 and 1970. Major television networks aired it live and huge crowds gathered around huge screens in major cities to witness the event.
Taiwanese aborigines - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Taiwanese aborigines is the term commonly applied to the indigenous peoples of Taiwan, who number more than 530,000 and constitute nearly 2.3% of the ...Aboriginal peoples in Canada - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Aboriginal peoples in Canada, or Aboriginal Canadians are the indigenous peoples within the boundaries of present-day Canada. They comprise the First ...
In the news
- Having existed in a region from the beginning: aboriginal forests. See synonyms at native.
The early settlers learned a lot from the aboriginal cultures.
- Of or relating to aborigines.
- often Aboriginal Of or relating to the indigenous peoples of Australia.
also Aboriginal An aborigine.

Ab・o, ab・o
