2017年12月19日 星期二

creatives, productive, PUT ONTO, multicooker is a true viral phenomenon. try your hand at sth

Productive Aging in Taiwan Conference

Learning Opportunities: Productive Struggle, Explicit Connections and Deliberate Practice

Don't Tell the Creative Department, but Software Can Produce Ads, Too

BETC Euro RSCG has developed software that can produce elementary advertisements.


The electric multicooker is a true viral phenomenon. We went to the company's Canadian headquarters to learn why

In addition to the ready-made stories, it's also possible to order an exclusive, personalized tale. Waeser said he enjoys the broad spectrum of imaginative ideas that have been generated.
"From Grimm fairy tales to excessive Arab style to succinct crime stories -- I really like trying my hand at all types of story telling," he said.

try your hand at sth
to try doing something for the first time:
I might try my hand at a bit of Indian cookery.
turn your hand to sth
If you say that someone could turn their hand to an activity or skill, you mean they could do it well although they have no experience of it:

Stella's very talented - she could turn her hand to anything.

  1. Having the ability or power to create: Human beings are creative animals.
  2. Productive; creating.
  3. Characterized by originality and expressiveness; imaginative: creative writing.
One who displays productive originality: the creatives in the advertising department.

creatively cre·a'tive·ly adv.
creativity cre'a·tiv'i·ty (-ĭ-tē) or cre·a'tive·ness n.

The Creative Department is an independently owned American advertising agency based in the historic Over-the-Rhine neighborhood in Cincinnati, Ohio. Founded in 1992, the award-winning[1][2] agency handles advertising, branding, and web design work for a variety of clients in the Midwest including Procter & Gamble, Macys, LexisNexis, and i-wireless.
The Creative Department blog, Squeak of the Week, has repeatedly been recognized as one of the most engaging[3] and influential[4] blogs in advertising[5], branding, and marketing.
The Creative Department is also an active promoter of entrepreneurship in Cincinnati. The agency is an annual participant and sponsor of the Digital Hub conference and hosted the launch weekend for the social website, SecretCincinnati.com.[6][7]

The researchers at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York used mice with both type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Once kidney damage had developed, half the mice were put onto the so called "ketogenic diet" for eight weeks. The highly controlled diet, which is 87% fat, mimics the effect of starvation and should not be used without medical advice. After eight weeks the researchers noted that kidney damage was reversed.
紐約西奈山醫學院的研究人員,使用帶有第一型以及第二型糖尿病的老鼠做研究。一旦 這些老鼠出現腎臟損傷,就讓一半的老鼠採用這種所謂的「生酮飲食」8週。這種其中 87%為脂肪的高度控制飲食,模仿挨餓的效果,只有透過醫療建議才可使用。8週之後,研究人員指出,腎臟傷害已經扭轉。
put sb onto sth/sb:片語,向某人介紹/引薦某樣東西/某人。例句:David put me onto a wonderful vegetarian cookery book.(大衛介紹我一本很棒的素食烹飪書。)


  • レベル:大学入試程度
  • 発音記号[ɑ'ntə, ɔ'ːn- | ɔ'n-;((強))ɑ'ntuː, ɔ'ːn- | ɔ'n-]
1 …の上に
get onto a horse [a bus]
I jumped down onto the track.
▼((英))ではふつうon to;((略式))ではtoやonを用いるところをontoとすることがある:get onto the station駅に着く.
[語法]We moved on to a new project. (新しい計画へと進んだ)では, ふつうontoとはしない.
2 ((略式))…に気づいて.
3 ((主に英))…と連絡を取って
get onto a person
━━[形]《数学》上への, 全射の.
