The government has spent lavishly on infrastructure, but its investment in health care has failed to keep up
"So we are to believe that John Dowd, a former DOJ attorney, just tanked his career by drafting a tweet that admitted the President obstructed justice."
The Maximum Series of windows will reduce the frame obstruction by over 40% offering the greatest viewing area in the industry.
Former lobbyist Kevin A. Ring was arrested yesterday on conspiracy, fraud and obstruction-of-justice charges in connection with his alleged role in a four-year scheme to lavish tickets and trips on lawmakers and government officials in return for help for his clients.
(By Carrie Johnson and Del Quentin Wilber, The Washington Post)
An Unsure China Steps Onto the Global Stage By MICHAEL WINES and EDWARD WONG
China’s growing clout and momentum remain hamstrung by poverty and authoritarian rule.
Once Sacred, Now Their Showcase

Michael Falco for The New York Times
Up on the Roof The penthouse apartment on East Seventh Street in the East Village has a see-through bedroom wall that opens onto a cedar deck. More Photos >
1 not certain or having doubts:
I'm a bit unsure about what to do next - can you help me?
2 unsure of yourself without confidence in yourself:
As a new teacher I was very unsure of myself when I was in front of a class.
onto, on to
preposition1 used to show movement into or on a particular place:
I slipped as I stepped onto the platform.
The sheep were loaded onto trucks.
I've been having problems loading this software onto my computer.
Imir's been voted onto the union committee.
Hold onto (= Keep holding) my hand and you'll be perfectly safe.
2 used to show that you are starting to talk about a different subject:
How did we get onto this subject?
Can we move onto the next item on the agenda?
I'd now like to come onto my next point.
3 UK If you are onto someone, you talk to them, especially to ask them to do something or to complain:
I must get onto the plumber about the shower.
Dad was onto her again about doing her homework.
4 knowing about someone or something that can benefit you:
So how did you get onto this deal?
David put me onto (= told me about) a really good restaurant.
You're onto a good thing with this buy-one-get-one-free offer at the shop.
5 knowing about something bad someone has done:
He knows we're onto him.
Who put the police onto (= told the police about) her?
- 音節
- ob • struc • tion
- 発音
- əbstrʌ'kʃən
- 1邪魔物,(…に対する)障害物((to ...)) ⇒
- obstructions
- 航行の障害物.
- 2邪魔をすること,妨害,反対
- obstruction
- それ以上の支障[反対]もなく.
- 3妨害[邪魔]されている状態;〔医学〕 閉塞へいそく[閉鎖](症)
- obstruction
- 腸閉塞
- initiated obstruction.
- にきびは油性分泌が邪魔されてできる.
- 4(議会での)議事妨害.
- 5〔スポーツ〕 オブストラクション,反則となる妨害行為;(野球で)走塁妨害.
- 語源
- 1533.→
more than enough, especially if expensive; very generous:
lavish gifts/promises/praise
lavish spending
lavish banquets
The evening was a lavish affair with glorious food and an endless supply of champagne.
The lavish production makes this musical truly memorable.Matisse’s bronze version of the Barye sculpture is near the entrance to “Matisse: Painter as Sculptor,” a stunning exhibition at the Baltimore Museum of Art. The Barye is there too. Together they are worth considerably more than a thousand words, however lavished with illustrations those words might be.
lavishly Show phonetics
The dining room was lavishly decorated.
- Sincerely; genuinely: We are truly sorry for the inconvenience.
- Truthfully; accurately: reported the matter truly.
- Indeed: truly ugly.
- Properly: not truly civilized.