2017年12月15日 星期五

deliverable, over-promise and under-deliver, deliver on promises

A cartoon by Edward Koren.

Automotive mergers and alliances have a poor track record and seldom yield lasting results. A long list of deals soured because of cultural differences and an inability to meld product lines and deliver on promises to cut costs.

Deliver Your Promise
Do you deliver on your marketing promises? If not, you could be driving
customers away.

Investors weren't alone in their unhappiness with the plan. Lawmakers were also quick to criticize Geithner for failing to provide more details on how the administration plans to deal with the ongoing mess. "What they did is over-promise and under-deliver," the head of a private investment firm tells the Washington Post. "They said there was going to be a plan, so everybody expected a plan. And there was nothing."

deliver (PRODUCE) Show phonetics
verb [I or T]
to achieve or produce; to fulfil something promised:
The government has failed to deliver (what it promised).
MAINLY US The Republicans are relying on their agricultural policies to deliver the farmers' vote (= to persuade farmers to vote for them).

