Barry Jenkins’s coming-of-age story earned infamy for an Oscars fiasco but it will be remembered through the ages as a brilliant tone-poem of fear and desire
the day of infamy
"If you are ever stuck for inspiration, ask your materials for advice. "You say to a brick, 'What do you want, brick?' And brick says to you, 'I like an arch.' And you say to brick, 'Look, I want one, too, but arches are expensive and I can use a concrete lintel.' And then you say: 'What do you think of that, brick?' Brick says: 'I like an arch."
Wen Yuan-Ning, Imperfect Understanding , Shanghai:Kelly and Walsh, LTD , 1935
「他對哥德極為欽佩,卻遠遠達不到哥德所說的『不忙也不閒』 的境地,正如拼命自討苦吃的人遠遠達不到受上帝恩寵的境地一樣。
::::: The Thirteenth Canto of the Inferno of Dante :::::
... "Io fei gibertto a me de le mie case" (Line 151).
I am one who has no tale to tell:
I made myself a gibbet of my own lintel.
----John Ciardi translation Purgatorio, XIII, 151-52
「我把自己的家,變成了絞刑場。」((《神曲 地獄篇 》黃國彬譯,台北:九歌出版社,2003,p.320)
交響詩 - Wikipedia交響詩
交響詩(こうきょうし)は、管弦楽によって演奏される標題音楽のうち、作曲家によって交響詩(独:Sinfonische Dichtung、英:symphonic poem)と名付けられたものを言う。Symphonic poem - Wikipediaこのページを訳す
A symphonic poem or tone poem is a piece of orchestral music, usually in a single continuous movement, which illustrates or evokes the content of a poem, short story, novel, painting, landscape, or other (non-musical) source. The German term Tondichtung (tone poem) appears to have been first used by the composer Carl Loewe in 1828. The Hungarian composer Franz Liszt first applied the term Symphonische Dichtung to his 13 works in this vein. While many symphonic poems ...

- A device used for hanging a person until dead; a gallows.
- An upright post with a crosspiece, forming a T-shaped structure from which executed criminals were formerly hung for public viewing.
- To execute by hanging on a gibbet.
- To hang on a gibbet for public viewing.
- To expose to infamy or public ridicule.
[Middle English gibet, from Old French, diminutive of gibe, staff, probably from Frankish *gibb, forked stick.]
Pronunciation: /ˈɪnfəmi/
Definition of infamy in English:
noun ( plural infamies)
- [名]
- 1 [U]悪名,汚名,悪評;不名誉;(世間の)強い非難.
- 2 [U]恥ずべきふるまい[性格];邪悪,極悪;[C]((通例 -mies))破廉恥行為,醜行,非行.
- 3 [U]《法律》公民権[国政参与権]喪失,名誉喪失.
A horizontal structural member, such as a beam or stone, that spans an opening, as between the uprights of a door or window or between two columns or piers.

A horizontal structural member, such as a beam or stone, that spans an opening, as between the uprights of a door or window or between two columns or piers.
[Middle English, from Old French, probably alteration of lintier, from Vulgar Latin *līmitāris, of a threshold (meaning influenced by Latin līmen, threshold), from Latin, on a border, from līmes, līmit-, boundary.][名]
