2015年9月18日 星期五

Phishing for Phools: The Economics of Manipulation and Deception.

此翻譯機器對發音遊戲還沒搞懂:將f 用ph取代的英文。

With 15,000 academic citations between them, George Akerlof and Robert Shiller have been thinking about the economics of deception for years. "Phishing for Phools" is phinally here
與它們之間的 15,000 學術引文,喬治 · 阿克洛夫和羅伯特 · 希勒一直在思考的欺騙多年經濟學。"網路釣魚為 Phools"是 phinally 在這裡
They have been writing the book since 2010. You might think that it would...
