2015年9月20日 星期日

infarction, lesion, péptic úlcer, eupeptic, polyp, much of a difference

Data Fails to Settle Debate on Treating Breast Lesions

The study’s authors said the data indicates that treatment has not made much of a difference, if any, for the tens of thousands of women a year who are told they have this condition.

An easily overlooked type of abnormality in the colon 直腸 is the most likely type to turn cancerous, and is more common in this country than previously thought, researchers are reporting.

says Lucy with that charming smile of hers that never fails to make me eupeptic. ''Eupeptic,'' says Lucy, noticing my happy expression. ''Adjective; of, relating to, or having good digestion...


    1. Relating to or having good digestion.
    2. Conducive to digestion.
  1. Cheerful; happy.

[From Greek eupeptos : eu-, eu- + peptein, to digest.]


noun [C] SPECIALIZED ━━ n. 傷害; 【医】病変.
an injury to a person's body or to an organ inside their body:
skin/brain lesions


  • 発音記号[péptik]
1 消化の;消化を助ける.
2 ペプシンの.
1 消化剤.
2 ((the 〜s))消化器官.

péptic úlcer[péptic úlcer]


胡適日記全集 9 : 1953-1962 頁733

In medicine, infarction refers to tissue death (necrosis) caused by a local lack of oxygen[1] due to obstruction of the tissue's blood supply. The resulting lesion is referred to as an infarct,[2] (from the Latin infarctus (stuffed into).[3]


  • 発音記号[infɑ'ːrkʃən]
cerebral [myocardial] infarction


  • レベル:社会人必須
  • 発音記号[líːʒən]
1 《病理学》損傷;(組織の)障害, 病変;病巣.
2 障害, 損害.
