2015年9月10日 星期四

exhume, exhumation, assassination, waterworks

' - The Waterworks' - - NYTimes.com

Jun 19, 1994 - An exhumation also plays an important part in E. L. Doctorow's startling and spellbinding new novel, "The Waterworks." But what Mr. Doctorow  ...


Waterworks is the provision by public utilities, commercial organisations, community endeavours or by individuals of water.

wáter • wòrks
waterworks (複数形)
  1. [名](複)
  2. 1 ((単数・複数扱い))水道;((単数扱い))浄水所,給水所.
  3. 2 ((単数・複数扱い))((話))涙,涙腺(るいせん)
    • turn on the waterworks
    • 泣く,涙を流す.
  4. 3 ((複数扱い))((略式))泌尿器.
  5. 4 ((通例,単数扱い))噴水.
verb [T] FORMAL 挖掘開棺
to remove a dead body from the ground after it has been buried
exhumation noun [C or U] FORMAL


Bhutto body can be exhumed, says government

The Pakistani government has said it will let the body of former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto be exhumed for inquiry if her party requested it to clear up conflicting reports as to how she died. A government spokesman said Bhutto died when her head slammed against her vehicle after a bomb blast while members of Pakistan People's Party say Bhutto died from bullet wounds in Thursday's assassination attack.

In a news conference on Saturday, an interior ministry spokesman repeated earlier statements that it holds Al Qaeda responsible for Bhutto's killing and that it had intercepted a message from a militant leader congratulating insurgents. Al Qaeda-linked Pakistani militant Baitullah Mehsud however has denied any involvement. Protests that sparked following Bhutto's death have
left at least 38 people dead.

あんさつ 暗殺

  • (an) assassination.
    • 〜する assassinate.
    • 〜を計る make an attempt on a person's life.
    • 暗殺者 an assassin.


  • 1968年4月4日、彼は合衆国の都市メンフィスで暗殺されました。
  • He was assassinated in the U.S. city of Memphis on April 4, 1968.
  • 7月に起こった副大統領暗殺から続くこうした一連のテロ攻撃は、安定を求めるカルザイ政権への大きな挑戦となっています。
  • These continuing terror attacks, following the assassination of the vice president last July, greatly challenge Karzai's administration, which seeks stability.
  • アフガニスタン暫定政府のハミド・カルザイ大統領は、間一髪のところでカンダハルでの暗殺を逃れました。
  • The President of the Afghan interim government Hamid Karzai, has narrowly escaped an assassination attempt in Kandahar.
  • アメリカでは、多くの人々がこの暗殺された公民権運動のリーダーに敬意を表し、礼拝に出席したり、地域のボランティア活動をするなどしてその日を追悼しました。
  • Many Americans marked the day by attending services or volunteering in their community in tribute to the slain civil rights leader.
  • イスラエル政府はこの事件後、報復として同じ人数のパレスチナ人ゲリラの暗殺を計画します。
  • Following the incident, the Israeli government planned to assassinate an equivalent number of Palestinian guerrillas in retaliation.

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