2015年9月12日 星期六

Nomophobia, make sense, FinTech,


British gas company Centrica's acquisition of a 25 percent stake in EdF is sparking rising concern in Britain's financial sector, with analysts increasingly questioning whether the acquisition makes sense.

Take a look at this image. No, it's not a piece of 1950s-era modern art, nor the results of a brain scan. Computer code as contemporary art The image represents the source code for a typical computer program, after it was analyzed using special software from a unit of Hewlett-Packard. The computer maker, borrowing on techniques used [...]

今年科技與金融產業最夯的英文字是「FinTech」。什麼是FinTech? 就是Financial Technology。付款、資產管理、貸款,這些金融服務過去由銀行獨佔,隨著科技進步,新創企業已加入戰局,麥肯錫在去年底發布的報告指出,超過12,000 間新創公司與發展銀行業務有關。FinTech 正在如何重組金融市場,從以下幾間公司一探端倪。



"TransferWise is looking to use the internet to spark a digital revolution in current financial services" —Financial Times



Square--iPad 變收銀機

"Square is one of the easiest mobile payment systems for businesses to use."—Business Insider

Square Register號稱將淘汰收銀機,是可以直接在平板上操作的全套收銀系統,搭配支架就可以直接接受刷卡,商家老闆們可以即時在手機上追蹤銷售情形。它的創辦人,也是Twitter創辦人Jack Dorsey 表示,Square 打造的是收銀服務,而不只是一種付款裝置,因此會整合各種支付方式,包括預計在9月推出接受Apple Pay的讀卡機。

  1. Nomophobia is the fear of being out of mobile phone contact. It is, however, arguable that the word "phobia" is misused and that in the majority of cases it is only a normal anxiety.
  2. Nomophobia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


make sense

1. Be understandable. This usage, first recorded in 1686, is often used in a negative context, as in This explanation doesn't make sense.

2. Be reasonable, wise, or practical, as in It makes sense to find out first how many will attend the conference. This term employs sense in the meaning of "what is reasonable," a usage dating from 1600. In Britain it is also put as stand to sense.

WordNet: make sense
Note: click on a word meaning below to see its connections and related words.
The verb has one meaning:
Meaning #1: be reasonable or logical or comprehensible
Synonym: add up
