2012年12月31日 星期一

slicing, safety net, take a loss, salami, Iron Curtain

Sliced Bread
Sliced Bread

As Job Loss Rises, Obama Aides Act to Fix Safety Net
Administration officials said that a new effort to combat unemployment would not add up to a second stimulus package, only an extension of the first.

U.K. Loss on Northern Rock
The U.K. sold nationalized lender Northern Rock to Virgin Money, taking a loss in the government's first sale of a bailed-out British bank.

States Slashing Social Programs for Vulnerable

A large majority of states are slicing into their social safety nets, often crippling preventive efforts that officials say would save money over time.

Their meeting will not have anything to do with Iraq’s national sovereignty, but instead will involve slicing up billions of dollars in work for the defense contractors that support the American military’s presence in the country.

When those agents set out to produce not only a friendly sphere of Soviet influence but also a cordon of dictatorships reliably responsive to Russian orders, Winston Churchill was moved to warn, just days after the Nazis’ surrender in 1945, that an Iron Curtain was being drawn through the heart of Europe. (He coined the metaphor in a message to President Truman a full year before he used it in public in Fulton, Mo.) And Matyas Rakosi, the “little Stalin” of Hungary, was well known for another apt metaphor, describing how the region’s political, economic, cultural and social oppositions were to be destroyed by “cutting them off like slices of salami.”

 1945年,納粹剛剛投降不久,溫斯頓·丘 吉爾(Winston Churchill)就警告說,一道鐵幕已經在歐洲的心臟地帶降下(他首先在給杜魯門總統[President Truman]的一封信里使用這個比喻說法,整整一年之後,他才在密蘇里州富爾頓公開用這個詞)。匈牙利的“小斯大林”馬加什·拉科西(Matyas Rakosi)做過另外一個恰當的比喻,也非常出名,他說這個地區政治、經濟、文化和社會上的反對勢力會“像薩拉米香腸切成片”那樣被摧毀。

Salami - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Salami - CachedShare
Salami is cured sausage, fermented and air-dried meat, originating from one of a variety of animals. Historically, salami has been popular among Southern ...


n. - 薄片, 一份, 切片
v. tr. - 切成薄片, 切下
v. intr. - 切, 劃破, 切開, 斜擊球

v., sliced, slic·ing, slic·es. v.tr.
  1. To cut or divide into slices: slice a loaf of bread.
  2. To cut from a larger piece: slice off a piece of salami.
  3. To cut through or across with or as if with a knife: The harvester sliced the field.
  4. To divide into portions or shares; parcel out.
  5. To spread, work at, or clear away with a bladed tool such as a slice bar.
  6. Sports. To hit (a ball) with a slice.
  1. To move like a knife: The destroyer sliced through the water.
  2. Sports. To hit a ball with a slice.
[Middle English, splinter, from Old French esclice, from esclicier, to splinter, of Germanic origin.]
sliceable slice'a·ble adj.
slicer slic'er n.

a slice of the action 一部分活動, 一份好處

slice of life 如實反映現實生活的一個側面的
A film, piece of literature or a play might be described as a slice of life if it describes or shows the ordinary details of real life.

slice up 切片
the best thing since sliced bread 極好的東西

日本語 (Japanese)

n. - 一切れ, 一部分, スライス, フライ返し, 薄刃包丁
v. - 切る, 切り取る, スライスさせて打つ, スライスして飛ぶ, 刃物で切る, 薄く切る
  • a slice of the action 分け前
  • slice of life 人生の一断面
  • slice up 薄く切る

slice (PIECE) Show phonetics
1 [C] a flat, often thin, piece of food that has been cut from a larger piece:
a slice of bread/cake
cucumber/lemon slices
Would you like another slice of ham/beef?

2 [S] a part of something, such as an amount of money:
We agreed before we did the deal that we'd both take an equal slice of the profit.
The film presents us with a fascinating slice of history.

3 [C] a kitchen utensil with a wide blade which is used for serving pieces of food:
a cake/fish slice

slice Show phonetics
1 [T] to cut something into thin, flat pieces:
Slice the mushrooms thinly and fry in butter.
[+ two objects] Could you slice me a very thin piece of cake/slice a very thin piece of cake for me?
See picture .

2 [I + adverb or preposition] to easily cut into or through something with a sharp knife:
He screamed as the blade sliced into his leg.
FIGURATIVE She watched his slim strong body as it sliced effortlessly through the water.

sliced Show phonetics
cut into thin flat pieces:
sliced bread/ham/tomato

slicer Show phonetics
noun [C]
a machine or tool for slicing particular types of food:
an egg/bread/meat slicer

2012年12月29日 星期六

gang, gang rape, gangsta rapper, gangsterism, plead, raise payday

A court has ruled that Eminem's contract gives him 50 percent of the royalties for songs sold online.<br />
Chad Batka for The New York Times

Suit Could Raise Payday for Older Artists

The rapper Eminem stands at the center of a lawsuit that could mean larger profits for artists whose contracts predate digital music and have not been renegotiated.

Woman Dies After a Gang Rape That Galvanized India

NEW DELHI — A 23-year-old student had been in critical condition since she was attacked on Dec. 16 by men who lured her onto a bus in New Delhi.


  1. [名]((単数・複数扱い))
  2. 1 群れ,連中,グループ,集団;いっしょに働く仲間,同僚
    • be of a gang
    • 同じ(関心を持った)仲間である
  3. 2 (若者の)遊び友だち,(たむろする)不良少年のグループ,チーム(チーマーのグループ);(しばしば排他的な)仲間
  4. 3 ギャング,暴力団. ▼一員はgangster
  5. 4 (道具の)一組,一そろい;(野犬・オオカミなどの)一群,(水牛などの)群れ
    • a gang of oars
    • 一組のオール.
  1. ━━[動](他)
  2. 1 …をグループにまとめる.
  3. 2 ((略式))…を集団で襲撃する
    • saw the man get ganged.
    • その男が大ぜいに襲われるのを見た.
  1. ━━(自)
  2. 1 ((略式))(…と)一団になる,集団で行動する((up/with ...));(人を)集団で攻撃する((up/on, against ...)).
  3. 2 ((スコット))行く,歩く
    • gang agley
    • 失敗する,へまをする.
  1. [古ノルド語gangr, ganga(行くこと,グループ)]

gang 1

1. group of criminals or hoodlums who band together for mutual protection and profit.
2. group of adolescents who band together, especially a group of delinquents.
3. Informal A group of people who associate regularly on a social basis: The whole gang from the office went to a clambake.
4. group of laborers organized together on one job or under one foreperson: railroad gang.
5. matched or coordinated set, as of tools: gang of chisels.
a. pack of wolves or wild dogs.
b. herd, especially of buffalo or elk.
v. gangedgang·inggangs
To band together as a group or gang.
1. To arrange or assemble into a group, as for simultaneous operation or production: gang several pages onto one printing plate.
2. To attack as an organized group.
Phrasal Verb:
gang up
1. To join together in opposition or attack: The older children were always ganging up on the little ones.
2. To act together as a group: various agencies ganging up to combat the use of illicit drugs.

[Middle English, band of menfrom Old English, journeyand Old Norse -gangrjourney, group (as in thjofagangrgang of thieves).]

payday('') pronunciation
The day on which employees' salaries or wages are paid.

 《中英對照讀新聞》 First female rapper debuts in Afghanistan 阿富汗首位女性饒舌歌手出道

"Listen to my story! Listen to my pain and suffering!’’ Afghanistan’s first female rapper Sosan Firooz pleads into her microphone.

With her first rap song, the outspoken 23-year-old singer is making history in her homeland where society frowns on women who take the stage. She is already shunned by some of her relatives.

But for Firooz, the best way to express herself is through rap, a musical genre that is just starting to generate a following in Afghanistan. She sings about repression of women, her hopes for a peaceful Afghanistan and the misery she says she experienced as a small child living in neighboring Iran.

So far, the song, titled "Our Neighbors," has only been released on YouTube, with a video that shows a series of pictures of Firooz posing in a hip-hop style gear. In some pictures, she wears a bandana with skulls, but her long hair flows freely, with no headscarf — a rarity among Afghan women.

Firooz is also an actress, appearing in secondary roles in a number of local TV soap operas. Earlier this month, she sang at a three-day music festival in Kabul.(AP)

plead:動詞,懇求。例句:The lady pleaded with her daughter to come back home. (那位女士懇求女兒回家。)

  • 発音記号[plíːd]

[動](〜・ed or plead 〔pléd〕 or((米・スコット))pled 〔pléd〕)(自)
1I([副]) ](…を)嘆願[懇願]する((for ...));[plead with A for B]〈A(人)にB(慈悲など)を〉嘆願する;[plead with A to do]〈A(人)に…してくれと〉弁じる, 説きつける, 熱心に頼む, 訴える. ⇒APPEAL[類語]
He pleaded with the judge for mercy.
He pleaded with her not to leave him.
2 《法律》
(1)I([副])/II[形]](訴訟で)(…に対し)申し立て[主張]をする((against ...));(…を)弁護する((for ...)).
(2) 〈被告側が〉答弁[抗弁]する, 答弁書を提出する
plead guilty
plead not guilty
無罪の答弁をする(▼くだけた言い方ではplead innocentone's innocence]ともいう).
(3) (法廷で)弁論する.
1III[名]/that節]…を(弁護・言い訳として)主張する, 申し立てる;…と申し立てて弁護[抗弁]する
plead ignorance
He pleaded that he did not break the window.
2 《法律》
(1) 〈訴訟原因などを〉申し立てる.
(2) …を訴答として提出する.
[古フランス語←ラテン語placitāre (placēre喜ばす+-tus過去分詞語尾+-āre=喜ぶようにする→意見を述べる→嘆願する). △PLEAoutspoken:形容詞,誠實表達自己的意見,尤其是令人訝異或具有爭議性的意見。例句:He has been outspoken in his criticism.(他在批評中直言不諱。)
rarity: 名詞,稀有、罕見之人。例句: In psychology, possessing an IQ at and above 180 may qualify you as an intellectual rarity.(在心理學中,IQ超過180就算是罕見的聰明人。)

By contrast, during a large-scale taxi strike in Chongqing in 2008, Mr Bo was more interventionist. He held an unusual televised meeting with drivers, but later launched a sweeping anti-mafia campaign that resulted in a wealthy businessman accused of organising the strike being sentenced to 20 years in prison for gangsterism and disrupting transport.

German rapper Bushido tones down vile rhetoric in image remake

Germany's most infamous gangsta rapper is making headlines again. But this
time, it's not because of an offensive comment or a banned record - its
because he seems to be growing up.

The DW-WORLD Article

gangsta rap
also gangster rap
A style of rap music associated with urban street gangs and characterized by violent, tough-talking, often misogynistic lyrics.

[From African American Vernacular English gangsta, gangster, alteration of GANGSTER.]

thing, 'Friend Thing', social identity services, hallucinations

Schmidt: Google Missed 'Friend Thing'
Google executive chairman Eric Schmidt said one of his biggest failures as CEO of the online search giant was grappling with the rise of social identity services such as Facebook.


Oliver Sacks explores the power of hallucinations through first-person accounts.

(thĭng) pronunciation
  1. An entity, an idea, or a quality perceived, known, or thought to have its own existence.
    1. The real or concrete substance of an entity.
    2. An entity existing in space and time.
    3. An inanimate object.
  2. Something referred to by a word, a symbol, a sign, or an idea; a referent.
  3. A creature: the poor little thing.
  4. An individual object: There wasn't a thing in sight.
    1. Law. That which can be possessed or owned. Often used in the plural: things personal; things real.
    2. things Possessions; belongings: packed her things and left.
    3. An article of clothing: Put on your things and let's go.
  5. things The equipment needed for an activity or a special purpose: Where are my cleaning things?
  6. An object or entity that is not or cannot be named specifically: What is this thing for?
    1. An act, deed, or work: promised to do great things.
    2. The result of work or activity: is always building things.
  7. A thought, a notion, or an utterance: What a rotten thing to say!
  8. A piece of information: wouldn't tell me a thing about the project.
  9. A means to an end: just the thing to increase sales.
  10. An end or objective: In blackjack, the thing is to get nearest to 21 without going over.
  11. A matter of concern: many things on my mind.
  12. A turn of events; a circumstance: The accident was a terrible thing.
    1. things The general state of affairs; conditions: "Beneath the smooth surface of things, something was wrong" (Tom Wicker).
    2. A particular state of affairs; a situation: Let's deal with this thing promptly.
  13. Informal. A persistent illogical feeling, as a desire or an aversion; an obsession: has a thing about seafood.
  14. Informal. The latest fad or fashion; the rage: Drag racing was the thing then.
  15. Slang. An activity uniquely suitable and satisfying to one: Let him do his own thing. See synonyms at forte1.
first thing Informal.
  1. Right away; before anything else: Do your assignments first thing in the morning.
see (or hear) things
  1. To have hallucinations.
[Middle English, from Old English.]


音節hal・lu・ci・na・tion 発音記号/həlùːsənéɪʃən/
【不可算名詞】 [具体的には 【可算名詞】] 幻覚.
【可算名詞】 (幻覚によって生じる)妄想.

maddeningly, goodness, batty, insane,

'Another Insane Devotion'

Desperately searching for a missing cat, Peter Trachtenberg ponders the mysteries of relationships - both human and animal.
If you have goodness to wait.

Through the day and into the evening, officials from the Securities and Exchange Commission and other federal agencies hunted for clues amid a tangle of electronic trading records from the nation’s increasingly high-tech exchanges.
But, maddeningly, the cause or causes of the market’s wild swing remained elusive, leaving what amounts to a $1 trillion question mark hanging over the world’s largest, and most celebrated, stock market

Obama invited Bob Gates to the Saturday summit. Gates, after all, had originally been brought in as defense secretary by W. to be a common-sense counterbalance to the batty Cheney.

 Inside a dictator's insanely huge palace
Inside a dictator's insanely huge palace: http://cnn.it/1FTh2lB

25 years after the death of Romania's communist dictator, tourism is...
 ·  ·  · 98458215

adj. Slang, -ti·er, -ti·est.
Crazy; insane.

[From bats in the belfry.]
battiness bat'ti·ness n.

mad·den·ing (măd'n-ĭng) pronunciation
  1. Tending to anger or irritate: a maddening delay at the airport.
  2. Tending to drive insane.
maddeningly mad'den·ing·ly adv.

  1. The state or quality of being good.
  2. The beneficial or nutritious part.
Used to express mild surprise.


音節in・sane 発音記号/ìnséɪn/音声を聞く
(insan・er,‐est; more insane,most insane)
insanely 【副詞】
IN+SANE; 【名詞】 insanity

2012年12月24日 星期一

drop, dropped call, fiscal cliff, Gangnam style, Romneyshambles

Microsoft's Dropped Call
The software giant's diminishing profile in the mobile world is the talk of Silicon Valley.

'Gangnam Style,' 'fiscal cliff,' 'Romneyshambles' chosen as Collins Dictionary ...
New York Daily News
He has the most-watched video in Youtube history, become a pop sensation with a horse-riding dance craze that has swept the world and now Korean singer Psy may cement his place in popular culture with recognition from a British dictionary. "Gangnam ...

**drop[ drp | drp ]


1 しずく, したたり

a drop of water

drops of perspiration

fall in drops

Fat drops of rain rattled against the window.

2 1滴, 滴量;((略式))(液体の)少量, 微量;(事物の)少量((of ...));少量の酒

two drops of quinine

a drop of whisky

drink to the last drop

a drop of compassion

drop by drop
1滴ずつ, 少しずつ

not even a drop of kindness

take [have] a drop too much

3 落下, 降下, 落下距離, 深度;(量・程度・品質・価値などの)低下, 下落((in ...));急な坂, 急斜面

a drop of ten feet

a drop in price(s)

a drop in temperature

The falls have a drop of ten meters.

4 落下傘(さん)部隊;落下傘降下;(物資の)空中投下.

5 ((通例~s))点滴薬, 滴薬;点眼薬.

6 あめ玉, ドロップ

an orange drop

7 しずく状のもの;耳飾り, ペンダント(の宝石);《建》滴状飾り(gutta);《家具》たれ飾り, 露玉飾り.

8 中央貯蔵庫, 主要集配所

a mail drop

9 ((主に米))(郵便箱などの)投げ入れ口, 落とし口.

10 絞首台;(絞首台の)落とし戸式の踏み台.

11 ((俗))(秘密情報・密輸品・盗品の)隠し場所.

12 《劇》たれ幕(drop curtain);最終場面(drop scene).

13 《ラグビー》ドロップキック(drop kick).

a drop in the bucket/((英))a drop in the ocean


at the drop of a [the] hat



(2)ただちに, 待っていたとばかり.

get [have] a drop in one's [the] eye


get [have] the drop on a person




━━[動](~ped or dropt /drscripta_acutept | dropeno_acutept/, ~・ping) (自)



drop off a cliff

drop from a window into the garden

(2)〈液体が〉ぽたぽた落ちる, したたる;〈雨などが〉ぱらぱら降る

The water dropped to the ground.

2I([副])] 〈人が〉(床・地面などに)急に倒れる, うずくまる, 沈む((down/to, into ...))

drop to the ground

drop into a chair

3 (程度・状態・価値などが)(…から;…まで)下がる, 落ちる, 下落する, 減少する, 〈声が〉低くなる((from ...;to ...)). ⇒DECREASE[類語]

Her voice dropped.

The price of petrol dropped sharply.

The wind seems to have dropped.

4I([副])] (視野から)消える((out of, from ...));(…から)手を引く, (…を)おりる, やめる((from ...));〈事が〉終わる;〈文通・会話が〉途絶える

drop out of sight

drop off the face of the earth
地上から姿を消す, 見えなくなる

drop from the tournament

We let the subject drop.
その問題は棚上げにした(▼The subject was dropped. /We dropped the subject. ともいう).

5I([副])] ちょっと立ち寄る, ひょっこり訪れる((in, by, over, round))

We'll only have time to drop in (for a moment) at [on] his party.
彼 のパーティーにはちょっと顔を出すぐらいの時間しかない(▼drop in onのあとには「人, パーティー」, drop in atのあとには「家, パーティー」がくる;drop in withは「人に偶然に出会う」の意;((米))でdrop in at a coffee shopのatはしばしば省略される)

He dropped by to say hello.

You'll have to drop by my house.
そのうちぜひ私の家に寄ってください(▼byのあとには「家, 事務所」がくることが多い)

Drop over to our house for a visit sometime.

6 後退する, 遅れる;落後する((away, back, off, behind))

He dropped behind early in the marathon.

7 (ある状態に)(自然に)なる, 陥る((into, to ...))

drop asleep [=drop off to sleep]

drop into a pattern of behavior

drop into silence

8 (川・丘などを)下る, 流れる((down)).

9 くたくたに疲れる, へたばる.

10 〈言葉・ため息が〉(…から)ふと漏れる((from ...)).

11 〈動物の子が〉生まれる, 産み落とされる.



(1)〈物を〉落とす, 落下させる, 放り出す, 投げ出す;〈手紙を〉投函(とうかん)する;〈受話器を〉置く;〈兵・物資を〉落下傘で降下させる, 空中投下する;((略式))〈金を〉(競馬などで)する, 失う

drop a bottle

drop a letter into a mailbox

drop bombs on [over] a city

(2)〈液体を〉したたらす, 滴下する, ぽたぽた落とす

drop liquid vitamins into milk

2 …を殴り[撃ち]倒す, 撃ち落とす;殺す

drop a person with a blow

3 〈品質・価値などを〉下げる;〈量などを〉減らす

drop one's speed by ten kilometers

4 〈幕・釣り糸・錨(いかり)などを〉降ろす;〈すそ・へりを〉(降ろして)伸ばす;〈視線・声を〉落とす

drop a curtain

drop anchor

She dropped her eyes and reddened.

5 〈計画・話題・習慣などを〉やめる, 中止する;〈人と〉関係を絶つ, 別れる, 絶交する;〈学科の〉履修をとりやめる;〈人を〉落第させる

drop a plan

drop a course

drop close friends

Drop everything and come right away.

6III[名]([副])] …を(チームなどから)はずす, 除名する, 解雇する, 放校する((from ...))

be dropped from a club [the membership]

7 …を使用しない, 〈記事などを〉ボツにする, 〈音声・文字を〉落とす, 抜かす

He drops his h's.

8III[名]([副])] 〈人・荷物を〉(乗り物から)降ろす;配達する, 届ける

I'll drop you (off) at the corner nearest to the station.

9 …を新しく使い始める, 下ろす.

10 〈言葉・ため息などを〉〈人に〉漏らす, それとなく口にする, 〈人に〉〈短信を〉書く, 出す

drop an unkind comment

drop a hint

drop a person a line

11 《スポーツ》

(1)〈ボール・パックなどを〉(ゴールに)入れる, けり込む.


The team dropped three straight games.

(3)drop kick.

12 〈動物が〉〈子を〉産む, 産み落とす.

13 《海》〈島などの〉視認距離外へ出る.

14 《料理》〈卵を〉落とす, 割って熱湯に落とす(poach).

15 ((略式))〈麻薬を〉やる

drop LSD [acid]

drop across ...



drop away

(1)一人ひとり立ち去る, (いつの間にか)いなくなる;少しずつ減る[なくなる].


Drop it!


drop off


(1)眠りに落ちる. ⇒(自)

(2)(量・程度などが)減る, 衰える.

(3)一人ひとり立ち去る, いつのまにかいなくなる.




[drop ... off/drop off ...]


drop on [upon] ...

((略式))…をしかりつける, 罰する.

drop out


(2)(競走・競争などで)落後する, 手を引く.



(5)《印》(網版中の一部分の)網点を消す. ⇒DROPOUT

fit [ready] to drop

((略式))疲れきって(tired out).

let drop .../let ... drop




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