2012年12月14日 星期五

philology, Weltliteratur,textual criticism, extratextual,

發現英文原文不同(狂酒歌為波斯詩人 Omar Khayyam 奧馬 開儼 所作的阿拉伯文詩歌),英譯也有幾個版本,這也是校勘學(Textual Criticism)的議題.

 Link, a co-editor of No Enemies, No Hatred, our recent volume of Liu Xiaobo’s writings, and author of a forthcoming inquiry into the workings of the Chinese language, An Anatomy of Chinese, outlines a series of recent statements and actions which have contributed to wide disappointment in Mo Yan’s politics. For his part, Mo Yan asks that his writing be allowed to exist apart from his extratextual political positioning. While acknowledging the complications of any such compartmentalization, Link points to the larger question of “how and to what extent a writer’s immersion in, and adjustment to, an authoritarian political regime affects what he or she writes.”

 : of, relating to, or being something outside a literary text

World literature - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_literature - 頁庫存檔類似內容 - 翻譯這個網頁
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe used the concept of Weltliteratur in several of his essays in the early decades of the nineteenth century to describe the ...
  1. [PDF]

    Philology and Weltliteratur

    global.wisc.edu/worldlit/.../auerbach-philology.pdf類似內容 - 翻譯這個網頁
    檔案類型: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - 快速檢視
    由 E Auerbach 著作 - 1969 - 被引用 94 次 - 相關文章
    Auerbach, Erich. “Philology and Weltliteratur.” Translated by Maire and Edward Said. The. Centennial Review 13.1 (1969): 1-17.

 Museum of the Institute of History and Philology 史語所博物館

 王汎森:Philology很難純粹譯成“語言學”,傅斯年先生曾經譯成“語文學”、“語學”等,philology在十九世紀後期以後非常流行,其確定範圍很難說清楚,籠統地說包括比較語言學、文獻考證批判、古文獻解讀等。 Philology非常難定位,我們這次所慶有一場討論會,除了本地的學者之外,還請了六位對中國、印度、歐洲的philology很有研究的一流學者,其中有幾位是研究梵文的大教授。我們請他們來談,到底philology代表什麼。談的結果,基本上還是認為它有語言學的成分,有訓詁、古文獻學的成分,其中一位學者認為philology是指能幫助我們好好理解古代典籍的各種學問的加總。十九世紀發達起來的philology,就是用各種辦法,來幫助我們充分了解古代文獻及歷史,所以可能是語言學,可能是古文字學,可能是文籍考訂等等。


一五、趙元任(一月廿六日)  每與人平論留美人物,輒推常州趙君元任為第一。此君與余同 為賠款學生之第二次遣送來美者,畢業於康南耳,今居哈佛,治哲學、物理、算數,皆精。以其餘力旁及語學、音樂,皆有所成就。其人深思好學,心細密而行篤 實,和藹可親。以學以行,兩無其儔,他日所成,未可限量也。余以去冬十二月廿七日至康橋(Cambridge),居於其室。卅一日,將別,與君深談竟日。 居康橋數日,以此日為最樂矣。君現有志於中國語學。語學者(Philology),研求語言之通則,群言之關係,及文言之歷史之學也。君之所專治尤在漢語 音韻之學。其辨別字音細入微妙。以君具分析的心思,輔以科學的方術,宜其所得大異凡眾也。別時承君以小影相贈,附粘於此而識之。

(fĭ-lŏl'ə-jē) pronunciation
  1. Literary study or classical scholarship.
  2. See historical linguistics.
[Middle English philologie, from Latin philologia, love of learning, from Greek philologiā, from philologos, fond of learning or of words : philo-, philo- + logos, reason, speech; see -logy.]
philologer phi·lol'o·ger or phi·lol'o·gist n.
philologic phil'o·log'ic (fĭl'ə-lŏj'ĭk) or phil'o·log'i·cal (-ĭ-kəl) adj.
philologically phil'o·log'i·cal·ly adv.

  • [filɑ'lədʒi | -lɔ'l-]
1 文献学.
2 ((古風))言語学(linguistics);(特に)史的言語学.
[名]文献学者;言語学者;学者, (特に)古典学者.
