2012年12月15日 星期六

have one's heart go out to someone, bum, taw

Asia Pacific Arts' hearts go out to the victims of the December 14th school shooting & stabbing sprees in Connecticut and China's Henan Province.  


"In England, I'm a horror movie director. In Germany, I'm a filmmaker. In the US, I'm a bum."
The figurative meaning, i.e. the non-cards-related 'very greatly' meaning, isn't found before the 1920s. The American journalist and writer Damon Runyon used the expression that way in a piece for Hearst's International magazine, in October 1929:
"I always hear the same thing about every bum on Broadway, male and female, including some I know are bums, in spades, right from taw."
It isn't possible to be sure that the figurative 'in spades' derives from Bridge - we don't say 'in hearts' after all, but the coincidence of the time and place of the origin of the expression and the popularity of the card game certainly does suggest a connection.

The new show got a bum/bad rap (= was severely criticized) in all the papers.

have one's heart go out to someone
Fig. to have compassion for someone. I can't have my heart go out to everyone. To give generously to charity shows that one's heart goes out to those who are suffering.

  1. Chiefly Southern U.S. A large, fancy marble used for shooting.
  2. The line from which a player shoots in marbles.
  3. A game of marbles.
intr.v., tawed, taw·ing, taws.
To shoot a marble.

[Origin unknown.]

1 怠け者;いいかげんな[くだらない, だめな]やつ;フーテン;人にたかって暮らしているやつ;身なりを構わないやつ;飲んだくれ. ▼人間として無価値といったきつい含みを伴う
You lazy bum!
She's no bum for looks.
2 (仕事・家族・生活などを顧みず)スポーツなどに熱中する人
a surf bum
3 飲んだくれること;道楽, 放蕩(ほうとう).
4 ((俗))低級な売春婦;((英俗))尻(しり).
bums on seats
on the bum
(1) フーテンの生活をして.
(2) ((俗))(働かずに)のらくらして, 人にたかって.
(3) 破損して;不調で;乱雑で.
━━[動](〜med, 〜・ming)(他)
1 ((略式))…を(人から)ただで手に入れる;…を(人に)せびる((off, from ...))
bum money from [off] ...
bum a ride
2 ((俗))…をめちゃめちゃ[ひどい状態]にする, 〈人を〉がっかり[うんざり]させる, 不愉快にする((out)).
3 〈人を〉だます, 「かも」にする.
4 ((俗))〈コンピュータのプログラムなどを〉改良する;(一般に)…をより効率のいいものにする.
1 寄食生活をする;フーテンの暮らしをする;のらくらする, 放浪する((around));ヒッチハイクする.
2 車で(道を)のろのろ行く((along/along ...)).
1 安っぽい, おそまつな, みすぼらしい.
2 間違った, いんちきな;誤解を招く
give a person bum advice
What a bum deal!
3 〈体の部分が〉調子がよくない;欠陥がある, だめな.
4 実に不愉快な[ひどい].
