2012年12月29日 星期六

gang, gang rape, gangsta rapper, gangsterism, plead, raise payday

A court has ruled that Eminem's contract gives him 50 percent of the royalties for songs sold online.<br />
Chad Batka for The New York Times

Suit Could Raise Payday for Older Artists

The rapper Eminem stands at the center of a lawsuit that could mean larger profits for artists whose contracts predate digital music and have not been renegotiated.

Woman Dies After a Gang Rape That Galvanized India

NEW DELHI — A 23-year-old student had been in critical condition since she was attacked on Dec. 16 by men who lured her onto a bus in New Delhi.


  1. [名]((単数・複数扱い))
  2. 1 群れ,連中,グループ,集団;いっしょに働く仲間,同僚
    • be of a gang
    • 同じ(関心を持った)仲間である
  3. 2 (若者の)遊び友だち,(たむろする)不良少年のグループ,チーム(チーマーのグループ);(しばしば排他的な)仲間
  4. 3 ギャング,暴力団. ▼一員はgangster
  5. 4 (道具の)一組,一そろい;(野犬・オオカミなどの)一群,(水牛などの)群れ
    • a gang of oars
    • 一組のオール.
  1. ━━[動](他)
  2. 1 …をグループにまとめる.
  3. 2 ((略式))…を集団で襲撃する
    • saw the man get ganged.
    • その男が大ぜいに襲われるのを見た.
  1. ━━(自)
  2. 1 ((略式))(…と)一団になる,集団で行動する((up/with ...));(人を)集団で攻撃する((up/on, against ...)).
  3. 2 ((スコット))行く,歩く
    • gang agley
    • 失敗する,へまをする.
  1. [古ノルド語gangr, ganga(行くこと,グループ)]

gang 1

1. group of criminals or hoodlums who band together for mutual protection and profit.
2. group of adolescents who band together, especially a group of delinquents.
3. Informal A group of people who associate regularly on a social basis: The whole gang from the office went to a clambake.
4. group of laborers organized together on one job or under one foreperson: railroad gang.
5. matched or coordinated set, as of tools: gang of chisels.
a. pack of wolves or wild dogs.
b. herd, especially of buffalo or elk.
v. gangedgang·inggangs
To band together as a group or gang.
1. To arrange or assemble into a group, as for simultaneous operation or production: gang several pages onto one printing plate.
2. To attack as an organized group.
Phrasal Verb:
gang up
1. To join together in opposition or attack: The older children were always ganging up on the little ones.
2. To act together as a group: various agencies ganging up to combat the use of illicit drugs.

[Middle English, band of menfrom Old English, journeyand Old Norse -gangrjourney, group (as in thjofagangrgang of thieves).]

payday('') pronunciation
The day on which employees' salaries or wages are paid.

 《中英對照讀新聞》 First female rapper debuts in Afghanistan 阿富汗首位女性饒舌歌手出道

"Listen to my story! Listen to my pain and suffering!’’ Afghanistan’s first female rapper Sosan Firooz pleads into her microphone.

With her first rap song, the outspoken 23-year-old singer is making history in her homeland where society frowns on women who take the stage. She is already shunned by some of her relatives.

But for Firooz, the best way to express herself is through rap, a musical genre that is just starting to generate a following in Afghanistan. She sings about repression of women, her hopes for a peaceful Afghanistan and the misery she says she experienced as a small child living in neighboring Iran.

So far, the song, titled "Our Neighbors," has only been released on YouTube, with a video that shows a series of pictures of Firooz posing in a hip-hop style gear. In some pictures, she wears a bandana with skulls, but her long hair flows freely, with no headscarf — a rarity among Afghan women.

Firooz is also an actress, appearing in secondary roles in a number of local TV soap operas. Earlier this month, she sang at a three-day music festival in Kabul.(AP)

plead:動詞,懇求。例句:The lady pleaded with her daughter to come back home. (那位女士懇求女兒回家。)

  • 発音記号[plíːd]

[動](〜・ed or plead 〔pléd〕 or((米・スコット))pled 〔pléd〕)(自)
1I([副]) ](…を)嘆願[懇願]する((for ...));[plead with A for B]〈A(人)にB(慈悲など)を〉嘆願する;[plead with A to do]〈A(人)に…してくれと〉弁じる, 説きつける, 熱心に頼む, 訴える. ⇒APPEAL[類語]
He pleaded with the judge for mercy.
He pleaded with her not to leave him.
2 《法律》
(1)I([副])/II[形]](訴訟で)(…に対し)申し立て[主張]をする((against ...));(…を)弁護する((for ...)).
(2) 〈被告側が〉答弁[抗弁]する, 答弁書を提出する
plead guilty
plead not guilty
無罪の答弁をする(▼くだけた言い方ではplead innocentone's innocence]ともいう).
(3) (法廷で)弁論する.
1III[名]/that節]…を(弁護・言い訳として)主張する, 申し立てる;…と申し立てて弁護[抗弁]する
plead ignorance
He pleaded that he did not break the window.
2 《法律》
(1) 〈訴訟原因などを〉申し立てる.
(2) …を訴答として提出する.
[古フランス語←ラテン語placitāre (placēre喜ばす+-tus過去分詞語尾+-āre=喜ぶようにする→意見を述べる→嘆願する). △PLEAoutspoken:形容詞,誠實表達自己的意見,尤其是令人訝異或具有爭議性的意見。例句:He has been outspoken in his criticism.(他在批評中直言不諱。)
rarity: 名詞,稀有、罕見之人。例句: In psychology, possessing an IQ at and above 180 may qualify you as an intellectual rarity.(在心理學中,IQ超過180就算是罕見的聰明人。)

By contrast, during a large-scale taxi strike in Chongqing in 2008, Mr Bo was more interventionist. He held an unusual televised meeting with drivers, but later launched a sweeping anti-mafia campaign that resulted in a wealthy businessman accused of organising the strike being sentenced to 20 years in prison for gangsterism and disrupting transport.

German rapper Bushido tones down vile rhetoric in image remake

Germany's most infamous gangsta rapper is making headlines again. But this
time, it's not because of an offensive comment or a banned record - its
because he seems to be growing up.

The DW-WORLD Article

gangsta rap
also gangster rap
A style of rap music associated with urban street gangs and characterized by violent, tough-talking, often misogynistic lyrics.

[From African American Vernacular English gangsta, gangster, alteration of GANGSTER.]
