2012年12月22日 星期六

panacea, silver bullet, living, líving wìll, alive to, encumber

 I need freedom of mind. I want peace for work. I am distressed by immediate circumstances. My thoughts and work are encumbered by claims and vexations and I cannot see any hope of release from them; any hope of a period of serene and beneficent activity, before I am overtaken altogether by infirmity and death. I am in a phase of fatigue and of that discouragement which is a concomitant of fatigue, the petty things of to-morrow skirmish in my wakeful brain, and I find it difficult to assemble my forces to confront this problem which paralyses the proper use of myself.

 The Barnes curators need to come up with creative ways — say for two or three months, every other year — to extract certain works from the gallery collection, walk them across the garden court and put them on view in the temporary-exhibition galleries for less encumbered viewing. Set out all the African works, for example. Give us a Cézanne or a Matisse retrospective. Or a survey of the Pennsylvania Dutch blanket chests and related Americana whose hues and surfaces Barnes was so alive to.

The Myths of Innovation Scott Berkun -

The Myths of Innovation - Google 圖書結果

Scott Berkun - 2010 - Business & Economics - 256 頁
With this book, Berkun sets us free to try to change the world unencumbered with misconceptions about how innovation happens.

silver bullet 不是譯者注解的來源
  1. An infallible means of attack or defense.
  2. A simple remedy for a difficult or intractable problem: "There is no single silver bullet or panacea that will solve all the problems of Bay Area schools" (San Francisco Chronicle).
[From the belief that werewolves could be killed with silver bullets.]

  alive to
 Aware of, conscious of, as in The social worker was alive to all of the mother's worries. [Mid-1700s]

1 〈人・動植物が〉生きている, 生命のある(⇔dead)
living persons
a living corpse
2 〈人・社会・制度などが〉現存する, 当代の, 〈言語などが〉現在使われている, 現用の;現存する人たちの
the greatest living poet
in [within] living memory
3 ((主に限定))〈議論・話などが〉活気のある, 生き生きした;〈信仰・期待などが〉強烈な;〈色が〉あざやかな;〈絵・物語などが〉実物そっくりの, 真に迫った
the living image of a person
4 〈石炭などが〉燃えている, 赤々と輝いている, 〈水などが〉よどみなく流れる, 流れ続ける;〈風などが〉激しい.
5 〈岩石などが〉天然のままの;未採掘の.
6 生活の, 居住の;生活するのに十分な[適した]
living expenses [costs]
living quarters
7 ((強意))まったくの
a living angel
1 [C]((ふつう単数形))生計, 生活費, 生活の資(livelihood)
make a living as an ice-cream salesman [with one's brush]
earn [gain, get, make] one's living by [from] singing
scrape [scratch] a living
ぎりぎりの生活をする, やっと食べていく.
2 ((the 〜))((集合的))生きている人々, 生者
the dead and the living
be in the land of the living
3 [U]生きていること[状態], 生存, 生活
a style of living
4 (ある特定の)生活様式, 暮らし方[向き]
make a luxurious [a plain] living
5 [U]((英))受禄(じゅろく)聖職者;聖職禄.

líving wìll[líving wìll]

Document in which an individual specifies medical measures to be taken or withheld in the event that one becomes disabled. Advances in medical technology now allow the body to be kept alive in circumstances that would normally result in death (e.g., inability to eat, breathe, or maintain the heartbeat), but many people do not want to be kept alive if there is no chance of recovery. Because it is impossible to express one's wishes when in a vegetative state, a living will allows them to be stated in advance. Such a document usually specifies conditions under which a do-not-resuscitate (DNR) order is to take effect and authorizes another person to make decisions on the patient's behalf.
((米))リビングウィル, 生前発効の遺書:尊厳死を希望する旨を表明した遺言.


  • 発音記号[inkʌ'mbər]
1 〈動作・活動を〉妨げる, じゃまする, の足手まといになる
He was encumbered by worries.
2 〈場所を〉(じゃま物で)ふさぐ, いっぱいにする;…を(…で)複雑にする((by, with ...))
an account encumbered with pointless digressions
3 〈人に〉(重荷などを)負わせる((with ...));〈人に〉(債務・借金などを)負わせる, 課する;〈土地などを〉(抵当に)入れる((with ...))
be encumbered with debts
[中フランス語encombrer (en-中に+combre妨害+-er=妨害の中に置く)]


pan • a • ce • a
pæ`nəsíːə | -síə
panaceas (複数形)
1 万能薬(cure-all).
2 あらゆる問題の解決策.
3 ((P-))《ギリシャ神話》パナケイア:治療の女神.
[ラテン語←ギリシャ語panákeia (pan-すべての+akos治療+-IA=すべてを治療するもの)]
