Tonight's Art Moment is this intriguing assortment of ceramics. The 18th century marked the beginning of English figure manufacture on a commercial scale. Made with molds, these forms could be reproduced at a reasonable cost, which attracted the middle class, the main patrons of earthen and stoneware objects. While many animal forms were decorative, some also served as functional objects such as the Bear Jug, Camel Teapot and Hare Charger. The bear's detachable head becomes a cup for the contents of the jug. The camel and the Asian scenes on its howdah (the canopied saddle) allude to Europe's fascination with exotic lands. Leaping across the bold charger is an animated hare rendered in cream slip, its fluid quality conveying a sense of motion.
Hanna Rosin, in her recent book, “The End of Men,” argues that hooking up is a functional strategy for today’s hard-charging and ambitious young women, allowing them to have enjoyable sex lives while focusing most of their energy on academic and professional goals.
汉娜·罗森(Hanna Rosin)在她的新书《男人的末日》(The End of Men)中提出,对如今强势又野心勃勃的年轻女性来说,勾搭是一种权宜之计,这使她们在集中精力追求学术和职业目标的同时能享受愉悦的性生活。
In 2003, former U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger provided Ferguson with access to his White House diaries, letters, and archives for what Ferguson calls a "warts-and-all biography" of Kissinger.[31]
Learning Matters, Warts and All: Diary of a True Learning Organization

A Charging Station With a Little Fashion Sense
The Idapt i4 is a charger that lets you trade four blocky wall wart chargers for one desktop wart -- but an attractive desktop wart.
The Wall Wart Collection
A power supply must provide sufficient voltage and sufficient current to a circuit to maintain the operating conditions of the circuit.
To charge a 9 Volt battery, a wall wart must put out at least 11 mA and a bit more than 9 volts. It must be DC.
The easiest thing to do is to check my wallwart collection for one with equal or greater specs.
Everyone has a wallwart collection, right?

- A hard rough lump growing on the skin, caused by infection with certain viruses and occurring typically on the hands or feet.
- A similar growth or protuberance, as on a plant.
- A genital wart.
- One that resembles or is likened to a wart, especially in unattractiveness or smallness.
- An imperfection; a flaw.
warts and all Slang.
- All defects and imperfections notwithstanding: They love each other, warts and all.
[Middle English, from Old English wearte.]
warted wart'ed or wart'y adj.diary

n., pl., -ries.
- A daily record, especially a personal record of events, experiences, and observations; a journal.
- A book for use in keeping a personal record, as of experiences.
[Latin diārium, daily allowance, daily journal, from diēs, day.]
- [dáiəri]
[名](複 -ries)
1 日記, 日誌
keep a diary
write in one's diary
2 日記帳;((英))(約束などをメモする)手帳[卓上]日記(((米))calendar).
[ラテン語diārium(diēs日+-ARY). △DIAL]Wiktionary英語版での「charger」の意味 |
- A device that charges or recharges.
- (historical) A large horse trained for battle and used by the cavalry. They were of a lighter build than adestrier
- 1938, George Orwell, Homage to Catalonia, Chapter 1, [1]
- A large platter.
- A large decorative plate, sometimes used under dinner plates or other savoury-dish vessels in a multi-course meal; also service plate or underplate
- The fancy restaurant used a white porcelain charger when serving.
- One who charges.
- (firearms) A speedloader that holds several cartridges together in a single unit for easier loading of afirearm's magazine.
- (prison) A rectal concealment container for prohibited material such as money, drugs and tools.
hard charger
Syllabification: (hard charg·er)
Entry from US Dictionary