Which kind of passenger annoys you the most? From seat-kickers to armrest hogs, these are the 18 worst etiquette violators on planes:http://cnn.it/1GfGP7K
Which kind of passenger annoys you the most? From seat-kickers to armrest hogs, these are the 18 worst etiquette violators on planes:http://cnn.it/1GfGP7K
Line breaks: kick¦er
Pronunciation: /ˈkɪkə /
Pronunciation: /ˈkɪkə /
Definition of kicker in English:
2North American informal An unexpected andunwelcome discovery or turn of events:the kicker was you couldn’t get a permit
2North American informal An unexpected andunwelcome discovery or turn of events:the kicker was you couldn’t get a permit
Miss Bankhead / The Little Tares/The Little Foxes
1940/2/5 去看戲 The Little Tares 查不到
But while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went his way. But when the blade was sprung up, and brought forth fruit,
( But while everyone was sleeping, his enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat, and went away. When the wheat sprouted and formed heads, then the.)
i wasn't there but i could feel it happening before i knew. it felt like the little tares in my heart that had formed during her sickness were literally ..
主角Miss Bankhead 很有名 可以一查
, Tallulah Brockman 1903-1968.
American actress noted for her wit, glamour, and performances in plays, such as The Little Foxes (1939), and motion pictures, including Lifeboat (1943).
The Little Foxes is a 1939 play by Lillian Hellman. Its title comes from Chapter 2, Verse 15 in the Song of Solomon in the King James version of the Bible, which reads, "Take us the foxes, the little foxes, that spoil the vines: for our vines have tender grapes."
1 ソラマメ属の総称;その種子.
2 ((〜s))《聖書》有毒な雑草, ドクムギ;((比喩))害毒〈マタイ書13:25〉.)但在人睡覺的時候,他的仇人來,在麥子中間撒上莠子,就走了。
But while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went his way. But when the blade was sprung up, and brought forth fruit,
( But while everyone was sleeping, his enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat, and went away. When the wheat sprouted and formed heads, then the.)
i wasn't there but i could feel it happening before i knew. it felt like the little tares in my heart that had formed during her sickness were literally ..
主角Miss Bankhead 很有名 可以一查

American actress noted for her wit, glamour, and performances in plays, such as The Little Foxes (1939), and motion pictures, including Lifeboat (1943).
The Little Foxes is a 1939 play by Lillian Hellman. Its title comes from Chapter 2, Verse 15 in the Song of Solomon in the King James version of the Bible, which reads, "Take us the foxes, the little foxes, that spoil the vines: for our vines have tender grapes."
If you’d like a status update on Britain’s tangled feelings about its neighbor France,
you could do worse than study The Sunday Times of London’s current
hardcover nonfiction best-seller list. At No. 9 is the book in front of
us now: the British historian Graham Robb’s admiring “Parisians: An
Adventure History of Paris.”
More beloved by English readers, though, at No. 4, is a book by
Stephen Clarke with this impish title: “1000 Years of Annoying the
French.” Garçon, there’s some snark in my soup.
a fictional animal, the quarry for a hunting party comprising some highly unlikely characters in Lewis Carroll's The Hunting of the Snark
[Lewis Carroll, via the Michigan Terminal System]
1. A system failure. When a user's process bombed, the operator would get the message “Help, Help, Snark in MTS!”
2. More generally, any kind of unexplained or threatening event on a computer (especially if it might be a boojum). Often used to refer to an event or a log file entry that might indicate an attempted security violation.
3. UUCP name of snark.thyrsus.com, home site of the Jargon File versions from 2.*.* on (i.e., this lexicon).
目前,國際葡萄樹幹疾病委員會(成立於1999年)正在研究的問題不止兩個:側彎孢菌頂枯病(eutypa dieback, eutypiose)是一直以來的研究課題,座腔菌頂枯病(botryosphaeria dieback)最近提上了日程,另外還有一種疾病叫做枝條黑死病(black dead arm, BDA),也是研究重點。這些疾病近年來的蔓延趨勢愈加明顯,尤以去年為甚。法國葡萄與葡萄酒學院(Institut Français de la Vigne et du Vin)也在去年九月發表了研究性論文,闡述了埃斯卡病與枝條黑死病的發生率正在逐年升高的問題。該論文表示,2012年氣候異於往年,在經歷了潮濕春季後,又迎來了高溫初夏,這樣的情況非常容易對葡萄植株產生脅迫作用,令其更容易染病。而事實也論證了這個觀點——有些葡萄園的植株損失量達到了50%。
[名]《植物病》枝枯病, 立ち枯れ病.
1 Lewis Carroll作のThe Hunting of Snark(1876)中に現れる神秘的な空想上の動物.
2 ((S-))米空軍の地対地ミサイル.
a fictional animal, the quarry for a hunting party comprising some highly unlikely characters in Lewis Carroll's The Hunting of the Snark
[Lewis Carroll, via the Michigan Terminal System]
1. A system failure. When a user's process bombed, the operator would get the message “Help, Help, Snark in MTS!”
2. More generally, any kind of unexplained or threatening event on a computer (especially if it might be a boojum). Often used to refer to an event or a log file entry that might indicate an attempted security violation.
3. UUCP name of snark.thyrsus.com, home site of the Jargon File versions from 2.*.* on (i.e., this lexicon).
目前,國際葡萄樹幹疾病委員會(成立於1999年)正在研究的問題不止兩個:側彎孢菌頂枯病(eutypa dieback, eutypiose)是一直以來的研究課題,座腔菌頂枯病(botryosphaeria dieback)最近提上了日程,另外還有一種疾病叫做枝條黑死病(black dead arm, BDA),也是研究重點。這些疾病近年來的蔓延趨勢愈加明顯,尤以去年為甚。法國葡萄與葡萄酒學院(Institut Français de la Vigne et du Vin)也在去年九月發表了研究性論文,闡述了埃斯卡病與枝條黑死病的發生率正在逐年升高的問題。該論文表示,2012年氣候異於往年,在經歷了潮濕春季後,又迎來了高溫初夏,這樣的情況非常容易對葡萄植株產生脅迫作用,令其更容易染病。而事實也論證了這個觀點——有些葡萄園的植株損失量達到了50%。
- díe • bàck
1 腕(▼肩から手首まで;ひじから手首まではforearm, 肩からひじまではupper arm)
2 (脊椎(せきつい)動物の)前脚, 前肢(forelimb);(タコ・イカなどの)足(tentacle).
3 腕に似た部分;(レコードプレーヤーの)アーム;(いす・ソファの)ひじ掛け(armrest);(めがねの)つる, (衣類の)そで;木の大枝.
(1) 力, 権力
(2) ((俗))支配力, 影響力.
(1) 力, 権力
(2) ((俗))支配力, 影響力.
8 《野球》投球能力;((〜s))投手陣, ピッチングスタッフ
lose one's arm
Line breaks: arm|rest
Pronunciation: /ˈɑːmrɛst /
Definition of armrest in English:
A padded or upholstered arm of a chair or other seat on which a sitter can comfortably rest their arm.