2012年5月1日 星期二

in the way, within reach, run out of alibis

Obama Says Debt Compromise Is Within Reach

LIVE UPDATES: Meanwhile, GOP weighs second push for Boehner's bill.

On Monday, shadow immigration minister Chris Bryant said the problem was down to a lack of resources, and that the government was "running out of alibis".

within reach

, within reach. Within one's means or powers or understanding. For example, The legatees were extremely greedy, taking whatever of their aunt's came within reach, or Don't price this item too high; it should be in reach of the average customer: This expression dates from the mid-1500s, as do the antonyms out of reach and beyond reach, meaning "unattainable"; for example, This plan is out of reach for most subscribers, or His explanation is beyond my reach.

stand in the way of ....

in the way
1. See in one's way, def. 3.
2. in the way of. In the nature of, as in He was getting nothing in the way of pay, or They had nothing in the way of an alibi. [Mid-1600s]

in one's way
1. Also, in one's own way. According to one's personal manner. For example, She's brusque but kind in her own way, or Both of them are generous in their way. This phrase is often used to limit an expression of praise, as in the examples. [c. 1700]
2. Also, put in one's way; put in the way of. Before one, within reach or experience, as in That venture put an unexpected sum of money in my way, or He promised to put her in the way of new business. [Late 1500s]
3. in someone's way Also, in the way. In a position to obstruct, hinder, or interfere with someone or something. For example, That truck is in our way, or You're standing in the way; please move to one side. [c. 1500]


  • レベル:社会人必須
  • 発音記号[ǽləbài]
1 《法律》現場不在証明, アリバイ
a cast-iron alibi
set up [prove, establish] an alibi
2 (…に対する)口実, 言い訳((for ...))
We've got no alibi.
━━[動](自)言い訳をする, 弁解する.
[ラテン語ali(別の)+ubi(場所で)より. △ALTER
