In a world where products are out as soon as they’re in, where communicating without wires doesn’t come without strings, and even our accessories need accessories, we need simple tools. A book that helps us look inside because we are overloaded outside.
The Nobel committee’s embrace of Mr. Obama was viewed as a rejection of the unpopular tenure, in Europe especially, of his predecessor, George W. Bush.
feudal tenures,意思是授封於陪臣、騎士的土地權力。這種權利,原不過是一種租賃一使用權,所有權是屬於封建主的。梅因(《古代法》)說,它是仿效羅馬時代永田權的一種權利。後來它成了完全的所有權。
ten·ure (tĕn'yər, -yʊr')
- The act, fact, or condition of holding something in one's possession, as real estate or an office; occupation.
- A period during which something is held.
- The status of holding one's position on a permanent basis without periodic contract renewals: a teacher granted tenure on a faculty.
[Middle English, from Old French teneure, from tenir, to hold, from Latin tenēre, to hold.]
tenurial ten·u'ri·al (-yʊr'ē-əl) adj.tenurially ten·u'ri·al·ly adv.
━━ n. (財産の)保有(権,期間,条件); 在職[任]期間[条件]; (大学教師などの)終身的地位.
tenure of life 寿命.
tenure-track, tenure・track ━━ a. 〔米〕 終身的教授職に至る地位にある.
━━ a.