2012年5月13日 星期日

Neptune, Poseidon, sidereal, captor, captive, mercy or revenge

In Libya, the Captors Have Become the Captive

The future of Libya depends on mercy or revenge.

[名]1 囚人, 捕虜(prisoner);捕獲された動物.2 恋のとりこ, (…に)魅了された人((of, to ...)).━━[形]1 捕虜になった;囚人の;幽閉[監禁]された;つながれた...
captive audience


  • レベル:社会人必須
  • 発音記号[kǽptər]
Neptune: the eighth planet from the sun was discovered (1846)

━━ n. 【ローマ神話】ネプチューン ((海神)); 【天文】海王星; 海洋.

問題在Proteus 其實是"衛星"海神

In Greek mythology, the prophetic old man of the sea and the shepherd of sea animals such as seals. He was subject to Poseidon. He knew all things — past, present, and future — but disliked telling what he knew. Those who wanted information from him had to catch him sleeping and bind him. He would try to escape by changing his form, but if a captor held him fast he gave the wished-for answer and plunged into the sea.

( nĕp'tūn', -tyūn') pronunciation
    1. Roman Mythology. The god of water, later identified with the Greek Poseidon.
    2. The sea.
  1. The eighth planet from the sun, having a sidereal period of revolution around the sun of 164.8 years at a mean distance of 4.5 billion kilometers (2.8 billion miles), a mean radius of 24,000 kilometers (15,000 miles), and a mass 17.2 times that of Earth.
[Latin Neptūnus.]

伽利略 著『星際信使』( Sidereus Nuncius, or, The Sidereal Messenger)

范龢惇 譯徐光台 譯 ,台北:天下文化2004
原書名為拉丁文,日本通常翻譯為『星界的報告』(星界の報告, 星界の報 1620)

現在義大利有一科學使雜誌叫 Nuncius
\Si*de"re*al\, a. [L. sidereus, from sidus, sideris, a
constellation, a star. Cf. {Sideral}, {Consider}, {Desire}.]
相反詞 (Antonyms): civil(定義 of divisions of time) legally recognized in ordinary affairs of life; "the civil calendar"; "a civil day begins at mean midnight" 例:the civil year 日曆年,民用年(區別於天文年).)
Definition: 1. Relating to the stars; starry; astral; as, sidereal
astronomy. 星的,星座的,恒星的
[adj] of or relating to the stars or constellations; "sidereal bodies"; "the sidereal system"

[adj] (of divisions of time) determined by daily motion of the stars; "sidereal time"

2. (Astron.) Measuring by the apparent motion of the stars;
designated, marked out, or accompanied, by a return to the
same position in respect to the stars; as, the sidereal
revolution of a planet; a sidereal day. 根據恒星測定的

「……. 譯自拉丁文版的《星際信使》英譯本,加上萊斯大學范龢惇教授的英文簡介、注釋與結論,展示了伽利略做為科學家與解說者的豐富才能,同時也讓我們一瞥導致他日後與天主教會之間產生災難性衝突的人格特質。……..然而,現代讀者仍未視此為伽利略最高尚的成就,我們也不指稱Io、Europa、Callisto、及Ganymede為麥第奇恆星、行星或衛星,或者把它們當成實際上歸屬於麥第奇家族的任何事物。使用麥第奇之名並沒有什麼不對,他們確實是開明的領導者。不過我們應該將凱撒的歸於凱撒。在天文學的領域中,我們指稱木星最大的四顆衛星為「伽利略衛星」。確切的說,木星四大衛星的宇宙之舞並非塵世的紀念物,而是在向現代科學方法首要的實踐者致敬。」(徐遐生 向現代科學方法首要的實踐者致敬 這中文序是從英文翻譯出的。我很佩服徐校長。)

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sidereal (sy-DEE-ree-uhl)

1. Relating to the stars.
2. Measured with reference to the apparent motion of the stars. For example, sidereal time.

From Latin sidus (star).

"The silvery, coarse grain of Maisel's prints in negative makes it hard to tell whether they present day or night views. In several, a darkness looms different from that of sidereal night." — Kenneth Baker; 'Home Movies' Not Like the Ones Your Dad Made; San Francisco Chronicle; Apr 14, 2007.