2021年6月30日 星期三

esteem, Gallicism, Germanism, international esteem, Global Image, Survey

China’s international esteem continues to hover near all-time lows despite improved marks for its handling of the pandemic, a new poll in 17 advanced economies found.

China Falls Behind U.S. in Global Image, Survey Data Shows

這在舊俄小說19世紀大家中很平常 Gal·li·cism (găl'ĭ-sĭz'əm) pronunciation n.
  1. A French phrase or idiom appearing in another language.
  2. A characteristic French trait.

A Gallicism can be:

In speaking or writing English, a Gallicism often results from a direct translation from French, giving an unidiomatic expression. False friends often provide occasions for Gallicisms: For example, using the verb to assist to mean to be present at (as in the French assister à) is a Gallicism.

See also

External links

Ger·man·ism (jûr'mə-nĭz'əm) pronunciation n.
  1. An attitude, custom, or feature that seems characteristically German.
  2. A linguistic feature of German, especially a German idiom or phrasing that appears in a language other than German.
  3. Esteem for Germany and emulation of German ways.
