From 1925 to 1969 in Tmes Square there was Hubert’s Dime Museum and Flea Circus
Professor Heckler’s Flea Circus, depicted below (the “fleas” enlarged 700 times, and obviously embellished) in a feature on Prof. Heckler in the March 1930 issue of Modern Mechanics:
an ill-favoured smile讓人不舒服的笑容
我一直覺得英文作者喜歡用「上義詞」(這是邏輯或語意學用語),an ill-favoured smile就是其中之一。
照我所知,opalescent指的是類似毛玻璃的半透明,而不是色彩,「蛋白石」指的也是半透明,和一般寶石的清澈見底不同。所以文中的The air is opalescent 大致是中文的迷濛。
Bear Market's Bite Could Go Deeper
NEW YORK, Feb. 20 -- With the Dow Jones industrial average plunging past its lowest point since the financial crisis began, panicked investors are asking: How much uglier can it get?
(By Tomoeh Murakami Tse and Alejandro Lazo, The Washington Post)
"These guys all have monkey godparents. In the event both of us bite the dust, they have a place to go."
DAVE VIGUERS, who with his wife owns six capuchin monkeys, on the future of their pets.
DAVE VIGUERS, who with his wife owns six capuchin monkeys, on the future of their pets.
bite the dust
1Be killed.
‘the baddies bite the dust with lead in their bellies’
1.1 Fail or come to an end.
‘she hoped the new course would not bite the dust for lack of funding’
bite the dust
Suffer defeat or death, as in The 1990 election saw both of our senators bite the dust. Although this expression was popularized by American Western films of the 1930s, in which either cowboys or Indians were thrown from their horses to the dusty ground, it originated much earlier. Tobias Smollett had it in Gil Blas (1750): "We made two of them bite the dust."
ugly (THREATENING)- ‘she hoped the new course would not bite the dust for lack of funding’
unpleasant and threatening or violent:
There were ugly scenes outside the stadium.
The demonstration turned ugly when a group of protesters started to throw bottles at the police.
noun [U]
bear market noun [C]
a time when the price of shares is falling and a lot of people are selling them
a person who sells shares when prices are expected to fall in order to make a profit by buying them back again at a lower price
Compare bull (FINANCE).
expecting a fall in prices:
The overall oil price outlook is expected to remain bearish.
See also bearish at bear (ANIMAL).
verb [T]
(of animals and insects which carry disease) to cause a problem by being present in large numbers:
The barn was infested with rats.
noun [C or U]
a flea infestation
an infestation of cockroaches/head lice
━━ vt. (山賊などが)横行する, 荒し回る; (害虫などが)たかる.
Hanching Chung
2013年10月26日 ·
張華夫人回美國之前 跟他先生來訪.我才知道張兄年底要退休了 以及他到高雄科博館演講Alice二書中的科學.
早在親身認識張兄以前便拜讀過他的大文〈《英漢大詞典》的商榷〉(載於《翻譯學研究集刊》第四輯),驚為天人(評論詞條缺失需要硬橋硬馬工夫,非有深厚蘊積不為功)。若干年後,張兄以本名現身上述提過的翻譯討論網站,一上場也是談《英漢大詞典》(陸谷孫主編)。我起初聯想不起來,但隨即納悶怎麼又有一個人對《英漢》如此熟悉,心血來潮,把〈商榷〉翻出來看,發現作者果然也叫張華。我在網站上點破他的「身分」,後來便通信起來。嗣後,鍾先生弄了個叫Simon University的網站(他也是管理學大師Herbert A. Simon的大粉絲),繼續不時拋些翻譯問題考大家。我和張兄同是常客(另兩位最常參與討論的是學貫中西的鄭小姐和法文了得的繆小姐),時相切磋,不亦樂夫。張兄就像鍾先生一樣,專業不在文科(是位大工程師),卻對文字、詞書與翻譯興趣盎然,孜孜鑽研,又不時抽空下海翻譯,小試牛刀(以文章為主,書本類有兩本)。張兄功底深厚,見解常發人所未發,讓我有茅塞頓開之感。茲舉兩個印象深刻的例子:
an ill-favoured smile讓人不舒服的笑容
我一直覺得英文作者喜歡用「上義詞」(這是邏輯或語意學用語),an ill-favoured smile就是其中之一。
照我所知,opalescent指的是類似毛玻璃的半透明,而不是色彩,「蛋白石」指的也是半透明,和一般寶石的清澈見底不同。所以文中的The air is opalescent 大致是中文的迷濛。
She rose with an ill-favoured smile, and taking a few steps towards a wall of holly that was near at hand, dividing the lawn from a kitchen-garden, said, in a louder voice, "Come here!"—as if she were calling to some unclean beast.
1: unattractive in physical appearanceespecially : having an ugly face