Xi Jinping has claimed he has rid China of extreme and absolute poverty. But that's not really the case, says this Singapore Management University professor.

Commentary: A hundred years of revolution, China still can’t take its eyes off poverty
The 100-year anniversary of the founding of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) in July makes it timely to assess whether it has accomplished its ...
ABC News
BREAKING: Facebook suspends former Pres. Donald J. Trump for two years, dated from the initial suspension on January 7. https://abcn.ws/3cBeLWn

Facebook suspension of Trump to last 2 years
昨天上午2:43 ·
On Thursday night, Pence may well have doomed (or at the very least hamstrung) his chances of emerging as the Republican presidential nominee in 2024 | Analysis by Chris Cillizza
Analysis: Did Mike Pence just doom his 2024 chances?
Analysis by Chris Cillizza
Bing Jou 營所稅與所得再分配的關係相當弱,除非這些新增稅收用之於社會福利支出。我沒有看過邱復生的發言,不知道是否有下文。所得重新分配祗有兩個有效的辦法,增加社會福利支出和提高最低工資。
營利所得賦稅和個人所得税的性質相同,不是可以轉嫁項目。我在這裏假設營收稅是corporate income taxes, 不是營業税。營業稅徵收點是revenue.
The official poverty rate rose slightly, from 12.5% to 13.2%, bringing the total to 39.8m people. This was the first statistically significant annual increase since 2004. But the official poverty measure ignores many government benefits. For example, if the cash value of food stamps were accounted for, there would have been 1.7m fewer poor people in 2007. If the earned-income tax credit (a cash transfer to the working poor) were included, 2.4m children would have been lifted out of poverty. The official poverty measure is politically untouchable because it is used to allocate heaps of public money. However, the Census Bureau, aware of its shortcomings, has added a calculator to its website to let people work out their own measures.
y as high as 13% for a decade or so. Joblessness can scar those who experience it, she worries. People’s skills deteriorate and they may eventually become discouraged from seeking work.
Doug Besharov of the University of Maryland thinks the big (and politically important) problem is not so much the addition of a couple of million people to the poverty rolls but the “giant hit” the recession has inflicted on the middle class. They have lost a fortune, as the value of their homes and retirement portfolios has tumbled. And some 8m Americans have lost their jobs since late 2007. Assuming that most have families, perhaps 30m people have been intimately affected by the great downsizing. A big surge in joblessness does not necessarily show up in the poverty statistics, because many of those downsized are men with working wives. But 30m people is a lot of voters, says Mr Besharov. “These people don’t think of themselves as poor, but they are hurting, they feel wronged and they want government help,” he says.
- unearned
- [形]1 労せずして得た;合法的な仕事[労働]で得たのではないunearned income不労所得(利子など).2 受けるに値しない,過分な.3 未収の.4 野球〈得点が〉守備のエラーによって...
- unearned increment
- [U](財産,特に土地の)自然増価:人口増などに基づく財産価値の増大.
Syllabification: un·earned
Pronunciation: /ˌənˈərnd/
- 1Not earned or deserved: unearned privileges
- Having said all that, there's really no way of interpreting the Prince's memo as anything other than an off-guard defense of old-fashioned deference, unearned privilege and patronage.
- They'll never get that ballast of unearned privilege into space.
- I began to count the ways in which I enjoy unearned skin privilege and have been conditioned into oblivion about it existence.
- 1.1 Baseball (Of a run) scored as the result of or following an error made by the fielding side, and not recorded in the pitcher’s earned run average.
More example sentences
- The defense committed too many errors that led to unearned runs.
- He allowed just one hit and one unearned run in five innings while striking out eight batters.
- The Longhorns made five errors that led to four unearned runs in two losses.